Virgin's Richard Branson, Shopify's Tobias Lutke join forces to support female entrepreneurs

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Britain’s best known businessman, Sir Richard Branson, travelled to the headquarters of Canada’s hottest tech startup, Shopify, on Thursday to promote a new project: increasing female entrepreneurship.

“Entrepreneurs, female and male, have made the world a better and better place every single day in every single year for the last 50 years,” Branson told an audience of mostly female entrepreneurs.

Branson, Shopify CEO Tobias Lutke, Clearbanc co-founder Michele Romonow and Government House Leader Bardish Chagger were among those who lent their support to the newly formed Canadian Entrepreneurship Initiative. “There’s untapped potential in this country, and it’s 51 per cent of the population,” said Chagger, referring to Canada’s female majority.

The initiative is a not-for-profit organization, co-founded by entrepreneur and author Ruma Bose, that aims to promote Canadian entrepreneurship, particularly among women.

Its first program, Amplify, will give women entrepreneurs access to discounted loans from Clearbanc, a bank built for self-employed people, and access to mentorship classes offered by Virgin StartUp, a non-profit company for entrepreneurs. Shopify has also offered to give up to 200 women-led businesses premium subscriptions to its popular online business platform.

Tobi Lütke (second from right), founder and CEO of Shopify, welcomed, from left, entrepreneurs Ruma Bose (Canadian Entrepreneurship Initiative founder), Michele Romanow (Clearblanc co-founder on Dragon’s Den), Sir Richard Branson (Virgin Group founder), Vicki Saunders (SheEO founder) and Bardish Chaggar, minister of Small Business and Tourism, to a panel discussion at Shopify.

“The majority of the stores on Shopify are actually being run by women, and this is one of those things that makes me really, really happy,” said Lutke, who revealed that he’s from a long line of female entrepreneurs, and is the first man in his family to launch a business.

Ruma Bose, chair of the Canadian Entrepreneurship Initiative, said Canadians now have an outdated, male-focused view of entrepreneurship.

A survey conducted for the initiative asked 2,000 Canadians about the country’s most famous entrepreneurs. The eight most-cited individuals were all men, and featured names such as Alexander Graham Bell, Conrad Black, Joseph-Armand Bombardier, Tim Horton, John Molson, Jim Pattison and Kevin O’Leary.

“We looked at this and said, ‘We need to change the face of entrepreneurship in Canada; we need more women and we need to start celebrating real entrepreneurship,’ ” said Bose, former president of Chobani Ventures LLC.

Sir Richard Branson had the audience in stitches most of the time during a panel discussion at Shopify.

Bose wants to put a more diverse, female face on entrepreneurship in Canada, while making it easier for young people to launch their own firms. A lack of startup capital, she said, is the barrier most often cited by would-be entrepreneurs in this country.

Branson, founder of the Virgin Group, met with several federal cabinet ministers on Thursday to urge them to adopt the kind of loan scheme established by the U.K. government for startup businesses. The U.K. government has loaned more than $400 million to its entrepreneurs since 2012, helping to launch almost 38,000 new businesses. Branson’s non-profit company, Virgin StartUp, has helped many of them get off the ground.

Audience members take some photos of the celebrities in the panel.

“Britain is right now the only country in the world with this kind of program, and we’d love for Canada to be the second,” said Branson, a dyslexic, high school dropout who became a serial entrepreneur and billionaire.

Branson started out as a magazine publisher, and has built hundreds of businesses under the Virgin brand, including a record store chain, recording company, airline, bank, rail company and mobile phone company.

He also had some notable failures, including Virgin Brides, which caused a stir on Thursday when Branson cited the business as one of his losing propositions. Some were taken aback by the story, until Branson explained that it did not involve selling virgins, but rather, bridal gowns.

“I might not be able to visit Canada ever again,” he joked.

Branson’s most recent venture is Virgin Orbit, a spinoff from this space tourism company, Virgin Galactic. Its goal is to send thousands of tiny satellites into space to extend the reach of the Internet and other communication services.

From left, Vicki Saunders (SheEO founder), Tobi Lütke, founder and CEO of Shopify, and Bardish Chaggar, minister of Small Business and Tourism during a panel discussion at Shopify.

Sir Richard Branson during a panel discussion at Shopify.

From left, Michele Romanow (Clearblanc co-founder on Dragon’s Den), Sir Richard Branson (Virgin Group founder), and Vicki Saunders (SheEO founder) during a panel discussion at Shopify.

