Animal rights activists march for an end to slaughterhouses, animal abuse

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A group of animal rights activists from Montreal and Ottawa gathered Saturday on Elgin Street at the Human Rights Monument to march to Parliament Hill in support of closing of all slaughterhouses.

The march, organized by Kebek Animal Rights Association (KARA) and the Ottawa Animal Defense League (OADL), was one of more than 20 similar events happening this month in North America, Europe and Japan.

“We are coming together to bring attention to the issues behind factory farming and animal agriculture, and just ultimately showing the public that there are a lot of people that are against slaughterhouses and the cruelty to animals,” said OADL member Jevranne Martel.

“Eventually, we’d like to get to the point where animals are viewed as beings — that’s what they are. And just showing the public that there are many other options in 2017 and we don’t need to be consuming the bodies of innocent beings.”

A crowd of close to 300 was joined by Toronto Pig Save’s Anita Krajnc, whose legal fight with the meat industry made international news when she gave water to a pig headed to a slaughterhouse.

Gandhi the pot-bellied pig from Laval was part of the crowd at the animal rights march.

Before heading to Parliament Hill, Krajnc and others spoke at the monument, talking about the growing movement, which includes the support of Bill C-246, The Modernizing Animal Protections Act, to update century-old animal rights laws.

Event spokesperson Stevan Harnad, cognitive scientist and Université du Québec professor of psychology, issued a statement before the event stating the laws of inflicting pain and suffering on humans should not be different for animals.

“The vast difference is that the suffering we inflict on humans is seen as wrong by most decent people — and it is also against the law. Not so for animals. Most of us are not only unaware of their agony in slaughterhouses, but also actively sustaining it as consumers.”

Samantha Shorkey, a vegan trainer and nutrition coach who spoke before the march, said it’s possible to build muscle on a plant-based diet, and be healthy and strong without contributing to the death and suffering of animals.

“I would like to see (factory farming) end completely,” said Shorkey. “It’s horrible what happens and the processes involved. It’s heartless.”

Anita Kranjc, who made headlines after she gave water to a pig on the way to the slaughterhouse, was one of the guest speakers before the march to Parliament Hill.

Gandhi, the pot-bellied pig from Laval, may have been the star of the show at the march for animal rights.

Gandhi the pot-bellied pig from Laval was part of the crowd at the animal rights march.

Anita Kranjc, who made headlines after she gave water to a pig on the way to the slaughterhouse, was one of the guest speakers before the march to Parliament Hill.

