Reevely: Converting old embassy to an indigenous centre an idea and a promise, not yet a plan

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Indigenous leaders hailed Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s announcement that the former U.S. embassy on Wellington Street will become a centre for indigenous peoples Wednesday afternoon, but there’s a lot of work to do and money to be spent before anybody picks up a hammer.

The government dropped banners down the facade with representations of First Nations, Inuit and Métis history on them and raised indigenous flags on the roof for the announcement, outdoors in the early-summer sun. The building’s been disused since the American diplomats decamped for their new building on Sussex Drive 18 years ago.

“Why this is important is because people will come in and out of that big house,” said National Chief Perry Bellegarde of the Assembly of First Nations, pointing to Centre Block across the street, “but see this house here, and the symbolism and the reminder that this great country called Canada was not only founded on those two great nations, French and English, but the indigenous nations played a very big role in settling this great country. And that’s going to be the reminder when people come through that door and see this house.”

This is Canada’s 150th anniversary year, Bellegarde said, and those years have included horrific treatment of every kind of native, from “genocidal” residential schools to brutal acts of dispossession. But, he said, indigenous people can find something to celebrate anyway.

“We say we’re still here, and we’re getting stronger and our young men and women are getting their pride back and they’re going to take their rightful place,” he said forcefully, the feathers of his headdress blowing in the wind.

Perry Bellegarde, national chief of the Assembly of First Nations, speaks as elders look on during National Indigenous Peoples Day celebrations in Ottawa on Wednesday, June 21, 2017.

He hailed Trudeau’s secondary announcement at the end of his speech that the government will take Sir Hector-Louis Langevin’s name off the office building on the next block of Wellington Street that holds the prime minister’s offices. Langevin was an ardent federalist at Confederation and a lieutenant of Sir John A. Macdonald’s — and an architect of the residential schools that took indigenous children to try to assimilate them, destroying families and communities and subjecting generations of kids to neglect, violence and sexual abuse.

The next 150 years will tell the country’s true story, Bellegarde said, built on the last 150 years but different and better. Planting an indigenous institution on Parliament Hill is an important step, he said.

But there is no design, no formal budget, no sense yet of what the building will contain, what will happen there, how it will be overseen.

“This is your space,” Trudeau told the indigenous leaders and people on the street and in front of Parliament. “We want you to decide how best to use it in order to serve your communities. Until now, there hasn’t been a space within our parliamentary precinct dedicated to and for indigenous peoples. That changes today. It is our hope that this historic building will be a powerful symbol of the foundational role of indigenous peoples in Canada’s history as well as our close relationship towards our shared future.”

The symbolism of the location is vital to the gesture. Clément Chartier, the president of the Métis National Council, lauded it for allowing indigenous people to metaphorically have an eye on Parliament, after decades of being pushed away from it.

“Parliament Hill was not always the most welcoming space for Indigenous people,” agreed Carolyn Bennett, the minister of indigenous and northern affairs. “The Indian Act was passed on Parliament Hill. Decisions to locate entire communities, including Inuit communities without their consent, were made here.”

Métis leader Louis Riel was elected an MP from Manitoba but was barred from his seat — he had to sneak in and out to sign the roll. The first indigenous senator wasn’t appointed until 1958 and that was two years before status Indians’ right to vote was recognized, Bennett pointed out.

Not everyone sees the symbol the same way. The announcement was prefigured earlier this month and drew criticism from a task force of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada that the symbolism is wrong.

“Indigenous people always get the hand-me-downs, the buildings, and land that settlers no longer have a use for,” complained the group, led by B.C. Nisga’a architect Patrick Stewart. Which is broadly true: Jacques Cartier called Canada “the land God gave to Cain” when he sighted it, and native reserves are on the parts even Cain couldn’t use.

But the former embassy is the single most desirable piece of Crown property in the capital region, vacant all these years mainly because we haven’t been able to decide which of its many possible uses to put it to or how to pay for something worthy.

An elaborate survey last year concluded that what Canadians collectively thought best for the property is a “Canada House,” a small national museum “giving a taste of the country’s diversity and achievements and showcasing the best of the provinces and territories from coast to coast to coast.” In other words, mostly a celebration of settlers. The Liberals are casting that finding aside and saying no, an indigenous centre is more important, even though it’s a much less popular idea.

The building has its flaws, as places for indigenous centres go, but it’s not a contaminated gas station on a two-lane highway halfway to Smiths Falls.

Those flaws, as the architects more rightly point out, include the embassy’s Beaux-Arts design, which is about as deeply rooted in European culture as anything gets. It’s classical in its basic elements, prettied up with ornate details and transplanted to America in self-conscious imitation of the Old World. Rome by way of Paris and Washington. It’s rigid, right-angled and hierarchical, totally not what anybody would build from scratch to celebrate First Nations, Inuit or Métis — which are themselves not monolithic cultures with a uniform architectural history.

Reconciling those differences internally will be a challenge in itself.

“For the entire history of this country, we have been pitted against one another,” said Natan Obed, the president of the representative group Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, at Wednesday’s announcement. “We have been separated, we have been pigeonholed through legislation, through arrangements that have often started with the federal government… Along the way we have fractured. We have an Indian Act, we have modern land-claim agreements, we have many different ways we describe our unique nature, but also the way that we are different. My greatest hope is this brings unity and respect for indigenous people for one another.”

Adapting the building to make it suitable for its new purpose without sacrificing the structure will take heroic architectural skill and not a little money. We’ve had innumerable projects imagined, planned, even begun in the parliamentary precinct that came apart due to lack of will or money or both. Governments change, priorities change, interest wanes. As Obed said, almost every advance for indigenous peoples in Canada has been hard-fought and halting — so this project is doubly at risk.

The empty building has been bad for the city and Parliament Hill, and before long it’ll start looking like an empty symbol of reconciliation. The ideas and good feelings need to become a plan.

