Surgical delays lead to higher risk of death and higher costs, says Ottawa Hospital study

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Patients whose emergency surgery is delayed are at a higher risk of dying, stay longer in hospital and cost the system more money, says a groundbreaking study at The Ottawa Hospital.

The study, to be published Monday in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, is based on records of 15,160 emergency surgery patients between January 2012 and October 2014. Of these, 2,820 patients — about 19 per cent — experienced a delay. About 3.2 per cent of the non-delayed patients died in hospital, compared to 4.9 per cent of the delayed patients.

In crunching the numbers of 1,109 patients with documented reasons for delayed surgery, the researchers found that almost a third of cases were delayed because of a lack of personnel, usually a surgeon. Lack of an available operating room delayed another 122 patients, and 459 were bumped by a case that was a higher priority.

Patients whose surgery had been delayed stayed in hospital on average 1.1 days longer after surgery, and cost the hospital $1,409 more.

The study adds to evidence on the importance of timely emergency surgery, said the study’s senior author, Dr. Alan Forster, the hospital’s vice-president of quality, performance and population health and a senior scientist at The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute.

The Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care has defined wait time standards for emergency surgery to within two to eight hours. But in 2016, the Ontario auditor general warned that emergency surgical patients in large community hospitals are not always given priority. In one case, a patient with acute appendicitis had to wait 25 hours for surgery. “The patient’s appendix ruptured during the waiting period, and had to stay in the hospital twice as long as expected due to a surgical complication,” noted the auditor general’s report.

Timely access to urgent surgery is not a problem unique to The Ottawa Hospital, or even to the Canadian health care system — it’s an international issue, said Forster.

“In health care, like in any business, there are competing priorities. You need evidence to inform those decisions. The data says this is a priority, and if we don’t spend money on this, there will be other costs,” said Forster.


Evidence helps inform decisions, says Dr. Alan Forster.

In January 2013, The Ottawa Hospital began using a new method for scheduling emergency surgeries, dedicating operating room time for emergency surgeries and distributing elective surgeries more evenly throughout the week. Under the new model, more emergency surgeries happened on time.

With input from surgeons, the hospital set up a scale of priorities from A to E. For example, a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm (a rupture of the blood vessel that supplies the abdomen, pelvis and legs) is Priority A, the top priority. A laprascopic appendectomy is far down the scale at Priority D. An abdominal wall repair is Priority E.

“If there is an association, which we’ve demonstrated, we need to develop those standards,” said Forster.

Urgent surgery requires specific resources — and the level of those resources must be carefully calibrated to demand. It might seem counter-intuitive, but one of the measures the hospital took was to ensure that operating rooms were not working at full capacity. If operating rooms are full, patients wait and planned surgery gets bumped, Forster explains. At about 65 per cent capacity, surgical teams are better able to cope with the unpredictability of demand for urgent surgery, even though it means, at times, that surgeons will be waiting for work.

“You have to have spare capacity, although having ORs sitting empty made some people uncomfortable,” said Forster.

Part of the problem with previous studies on wait times for urgent surgeries was the question of “confounding” elements, such as other conditions or illnesses that could also have contributed to a poor outcome or death. Many studies consider wait times to be from the time of admission to surgery.

There are a lot of previous studies that have shown that people who waited longer had worse outcomes.

“Most of these studies were only on hip fractures. But did the longer wait actually cause deaths? The only conclusion that could be drawn was that there was a correlation,” said Dr. David Urbach, chief of surgery at Toronto’s Women’s College, who wrote a commentary on the study.

The Ottawa Hospital study considered the clock to start ticking after the patient was stabilized and considered ready for surgery. “Everyone in this study was compared on a level playing field,” he said.

Urbach suggests that delays can be minimized by an alternative model of team-based care. As it stands, an individual surgeon takes responsibility for the care of a patient. In the team approach, if the surgeon assigned to the case is not available, another surgeon on the team handles the case. This has already been shown to work well in some specialty areas, including bariatric surgery.

Meanwhile, because of the way the accounting is done in hospitals, there’s little appreciation that the “downstream costs” of waiting for surgery may be higher costs for longer stays. Spending a little on overtime for nurses to ensure surgery is performed on time can help save money on the patient’s hospital stay, said Urbach.

“No one has the holistic sense of the entire journey of the patient. Paradoxically, it drives up costs, because every centre is keeping an eye on its own budget. The irony is that everyone is protecting their budget line. And the whole system suffers.”

Labour costs constitute the bulk of hospital budgets, but these costs are hard to trim. New mobile technologies that monitor patients at home have the potential to help free up money once spent on the “hotelling and catering” functions of a hospital, Urbach predicts.

Combing through data like this is difficult, but worthwhile, Forster said.

“Using big data is a way to understand efficiencies in the health care system. Part of our job is to create standards. I want to use this information to drive change. Part of our work here is to say ‘What can we do better?’ This is one way of doing it.”

By the numbers:

35: Number of operating rooms at The Ottawa Hospital

5 or 6: How many are dedicated to emergency surgery

3: How many are available until 11 p.m.

2: How many are available between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m.

What delayed emergency surgery

Reasons for delay for 1,109 patients at The Ottawa Hospital

42: Need for anesthesiologist

5: Need for nurse

305: Need for surgeon

122: Need for operating room

11: Need for postanesthesia care unit

14: Need for equipment

459: Bumped by higher priority case

151: Medically complex patient

