[必看,不看后悔莫及]447 Catherine Str.那家body shop那个伊朗老板很坏

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先前有人说447 Catherine Str.那家body shop便宜可能是个托,其实那个伊朗老板最坏了,总是先把你稳住再骗,大家千万小心!
It's called Arvand Auto. This garage has moved to Triole St. The Iranian boss' name is Ali Arvand. This guy also sells used cars. I used to live near that garage and thus know this guy very well. He is the most shameless person I've ever seen. He would definitely use rebuilt or used parts for you and charge you the prices of new parts; he would cover up all the holes in a junk car and sell it; he would charge you for the parts that he never touched... However, the Vietnamese guy Eddy, who works in the garage, is pretty honest. But unfortunately, he is not the boss.

His trick is to catch you first by giving you the lowest quote in town when you phone him or ask him on the spot. But after you send your car there and on the hook, he would have thousands of tricks to play with you to get your money...

This Iranian guy also has a web site: http://www.arvandauto.com

I want to warn my Chinese fellows to stay away from this guy.
I would recommend a good garage if I can find one. But unfortunately, most of the garages I've been dealing with are quite decent. Please recommend an honest garage if anybody knows one.
The best way......

The best way is to know "What's wrong of your car?" before you take your car to an auto shop.

Last year, I bought an used car and didn't have too much knowledge about car. I usually went to Canadian Tire and they suggested me replace parts or repair something and I spent more than $1000.

This year, I knew "What's wrong on my car??" before a part was replaced. For those of electronic parts I can replace them by myself. For those of metal parts, I took my car to an auto shop with lower labor rate ($50/hr) and only asked to do what I asked. Moreover, I bought used parts for my 93 U.S car.

Recently, I bought an used muffler ($30) and had it replaced with $40 (include tax). While the "Service Engine Soon" was on, I tested the fault codes with a test light and bought a EGR Pressure Value Sensor with $30 and replaced it by myself.

最初由 wanttohelp 发布
I would recommend a good garage if I can find one. But unfortunately, most of the garages I've been dealing with are quite decent. Please recommend an honest garage if anybody knows one.
本来不想花时间多讲的,现在看到wanttohelp这么热心,我就不再偷懒了,就此多写几句,希望班主把此贴子置顶,让大家不要再吃大亏了,都是血的教训啊,wanttohelp真的一点都没有夸张啊,我认识阿里已经5年了,从我第一次打交道就上当,现在还是在上当,真是没有办法, 他就是个彻头彻尾的无赖,唯一不上当的办法就是不要和他有第一次接触,否则准保后悔.

比如换muffer,就千万不要找他.他会骗你买life time warranty,等坏了以后(两年内必坏无疑),他在给你换的时候的时候就会给你涨价,原来35,现在会涨到60或更多.他还会说那是两年前的价钱,其实现在其他车房的价钱还是35.但是你后悔也没办法.所以一开始就不要在他那里换.



