Non-Parliament Hill Canada Day weekend performances cost just more than $350,000

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The federal government doled out more than $350,000 for performers at Major’s Hill Park and the Canadian Museum of History during the Canada Day weekend, documents show.

Mother Mother, the Vancouver indie rock band, was the highest paid of the 62 non-Parliament Hill artists or performers. The band was paid $52,500 for its 9 p.m. performance at Major’s Hill Park.

The second biggest price tag was $35,000 for a performance by Chantal Kreviazuk and her husband Raine Maida (the lead singer of Our Lady Peace) on Canada Day eve at Major’s Hill Park.

The average contract size, according to documents released to the Citizen under federal access to information legislation, was just shy of $5,800. The acts ranged from a juggler to DJs to dancers to well-known musicians to a henna artist to a drum circle.

Canadian Heritage did not answer questions about the contracts, including how the size of the contracts were determined.

“Contract details are established between the performers, their agents and the programming team at the Department of Canadian Heritage,” said spokesperson Jon Schofield in an email. “All of the artists who performed in Major’s Hill Park and the Canadian Museum of History were paid for their participation in the Canada Day festivities.”

And how much it cost the federal government to book some of the high-profile artists who performed on Parliament Hill — such as Alessia Cara and Gordon Lightfoot – remains unclear.

The documents released to the Citizen excluded those who performed on Parliament Hill because that production was under the control of Groupe Phaneuf, an events company in Longueuil, Que., and the Canadian Heritage access to information department said, as a result, it does not have any information on financial compensation for performers.

However, a government of Canada tender for shows on the Hill, valued at $3.6 million, was previously awarded to Groupe Phaneuf. The company was tasked to “deliver a coherent and entertaining package that can be adapted to suit both the protocol nature and the celebratory spirit of the Shows.”

In total, the Liberals are spending around half-a-billion dollars on its Canada 150 projects, whether that was one-off Canada Day events or infrastructure spending meant to celebrate the sesquicentennial.

By the numbers

Top 10 most expensive performances at Major’s Hill Park and the Canadian Museum of History during Canada Day weekend:

1. $52,500 – Mother Mother
2. $35,000 – Moon Vs Sun featuring Raine Maida and Chantal Kreviazuk
3. $21,500 – Les Productions Prostar (clowning and street performance)
4. $19,000 – Ruth B
5. $17,800 – Les Productions Prestigo (children’s performance)
6. $15,300 – David R. Maracle
7. $12,600 – Asinabika Women’s Drum Circle
8. $12,450 – Adam Zimmerman (The Dino Project and street performance)
9. $11,300 – Aboriginal Experiences
10. $9,800 – Kromatik (face painting)

$356,426 – Sum of contracts for Major’s Hill Park and the Canadian Museum of History

