5 must-try summer bike rides around Ottawa

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With more than 230 kilometres of kept pathways, the National Capital Region has a reputation for being a cycling hub. To explore the possibilities, Citizen columnist Wayne Scanlan charted a Summer Ride series, five interesting day trips in and around Ottawa.


COURSE: Island Park Dr., Ottawa River pathway
DISTANCE: 16 km round trip


This is the appetizer of our series, a little teaser, if you will, a stretch of the legs before heading out for longer rides.

My wife and I often take this route on a marginal weather day (aren’t they all, this year?) or if we don’t have time for Gatineau Park. It’s a pleasing, accessible ride that follows the Ottawa River path out to Britannia with views of the river and the distant Gatineau Hills.

Feel free to extend the ride, but for this small excursion, the turnaround stop is the Britannia Coffee House, which has become extremely popular with local cyclists. (The first clue? The bikes parked by the outdoor terrace.) This a good spot to stop for a coffee and sweet scone. The indoor cafe is quaint but most visitors will sit outside on a nice day.

Next door to the coffee house is the Beachconers, a micro-creamery that likes to mix it up with their homemade flavour options. The shops are situated on Britannia Road, and are simple to locate since the path pauses here at the road (shops on the left), before it continues on across the road through to Britannia Park and beyond.

The bike route to Britannia is dead easy. For the purposes of this trek, we started at Island Park and Byron in Westboro, but one could launch the ride from further south along Island Park Drive or from downtown, along the Ottawa River pathway. Island Park has a decent bike lane and motorists are used to cyclists here (for the most part).

Heading north on Island Park toward Quebec, continue north through the intersection at the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway, which most of us still call the River Parkway, and just before the Champlain Bridge, veer up off the road path to the right and down a short bike ramp to the river path. A quick left at the stop sign (watch for riders coming through the underpass) and you’re on the river pathway heading west.

Pretty hard to get lost on this one. There is a fork in the path about three-quarters of the way along, just keep right and follow the river. The path to the left swings south along the parkway up to Carling Avenue and beyond. You don’t want to go that way unless you have an appointment at the Citizen.

By now you will have passed Westboro Beach. Be careful here as it’s a busy spot, with families and cyclists popping onto the pathway from the beach below. Many don’t seem to watch for passing riders before joining the path. This cuts both ways — a lot of cyclists come through here with speed when they should be slowing right down with an expectation they might have to stop for a sudden crowd.

Need we remind here that the river path is for everyone, from pedestrians and joggers to walkers and elderly with walkers? This ride takes you past a posted sign with the 20 km speed limit for cyclists, which is to laugh. If riders didn’t routinely exceed 25 or 30 km/h, the path would be a safer place.

About three kilometres past the beach, there is a viewing/parking area for the Deschênes Rapids. Next, Mud Lake and the Britannia Conservation Area signal the approach of Britannia Road and the coffee stop.

Return along the same route, veering right just before the underpass if you are heading south again along Island Park Dr. Otherwise, go through the underpass if you parked a vehicle at the lot just on the other side of Champlain Bridge or to continue toward downtown Ottawa.

RIDE 2: Hampton Park to Aylmer Marina

COURSE: link to the Voyageurs Pathway
DISTANCE: 28-kilometre round trip


This is a leisurely, scenic ride out to the Aylmer Marina, a destination with waterfront picnic benches and a resto-bar.

We started at Hampton Park, convenient for a car drop as there’s a parking lot next to the ball field east of Hampton Park plaza. Enter the parking lot off Sebring Avenue.

Of course, as the route to Aylmer links to the Ottawa River pathway and the Voyageurs Pathway from Hull and Lac Leamy, it’s a cinch to head to the marina from any number of locations in Ottawa or Gatineau.

We rolled the first hundred metres or so along the relatively new path that runs from Hampton out to Island Park Drive, past a fenced-in dog park on the right. At the light, cross Island Park and take a left, following the bike path north toward the Ottawa River. As usual, we cruised on the Champlain Bridge past Bate Island without giving it a thought, but by all means veer off the path to check out the island at least once. It’s a great place to take a long look at the river and there’s often a group of slalom kayakers here doing their thing.

Just across the Champlain Bridge into Quebec, cross the light at Lucerne and join the Sentier des Voyageurs (Voyageurs Pathway) heading west toward Aylmer.

The next few kilometres run through the woods, with an opening that offers a glimpse of the Château Cartier Golf Course before heading past the Deschênes Rapids. This part of the Lac-Deschênes-Ottawa River is considered an Important Bird Area (IBA), with more than 300 species. On a recent morning trip, the birds made themselves heard with a symphony of song as the path rounded the shoreline past the rugged rapids.

This is right across the river from Britannia, another important bird area.

Just past the rapids you’ll approach a wooden bridge over a marshy basin. The spring waters were still high in late June, and ducks played happily. Across the basin, the sun illuminated a couple of trees stripped of their bark, one tree standing, the other prone. This marked the end of the nature zone as civilization loomed and the path took us past some of the large new homes on the outskirts of Aylmer.

As you approach the marina, take the time to savour some breathtaking river views. Unlike a trip through Gatineau Park or on open stretches of pathway elsewhere, this winding path invites a leisurely pace. (Our recorded ride times are deceivingly slow as we stopped to take notes and photographs for this ride series. The average cyclist can do this trip under 45 minutes each way).

Note there are a lot of walkers on this route as well. On a weekday morning, we met up with dozens of local school children on an outdoor outing. We slowed our bikes to a crawl before passing but the students clearly knew the drill, keeping right on the path as their teachers yelled out, “bike!” or “velo!”

As the pathway swings northwest, feel the river breeze, a sure signal that the path is drawing closer to the water. In a matter of seconds the marina boats come into view.

We stopped for a late-morning coffee at the Marina Resto-Bar, a big restaurant with a large menu for lunch, dinner or a post-ride beverage. There is seating inside and out, with a nice view of the water and the marina craft. Next door, patrons can rent kayaks, canoes, windsurfers and sail boats. For cyclists packing a lunch, the Parc de l’Imaginaire offers a patch of green and there are picnic tables near the water.

The bike path does continue past the marina, connecting to Des Pionniers Pathway, which swings inland and east toward Gatineau Park. Of course, the return path along the Voyageurs path also leads back to Lucerne and the southern entrance to the park, or back to Ottawa.

For an alternative trip, try the loop to Lac Leamy. A special highlight is the chance in 2017 to see the Jacques Cartier plant sculptures, MosaïCanada, a Canada 150 project. We dropped by the park on a recent Sunday morning and were overwhelmed by the beauty of the sculptures and the demand to see them.

Map: Leamy Lake with Extension

Ride 3: Ride to Stittsville a hidden gem

COURSE: Ottawa-Stittsville, along three pathways.
DISTANCE: 50-60 km round trip, depending on starting point.
RATING: Intermediate


Who knew it was possible to ride from downtown Ottawa to Stittsville without having to cycle on a single road? Across roads, under Highway 417, yes, but never on a road, always on a path.

This is a terrific route and it culminates in the village square in Stittsville, with an array of refreshment stops along Main Street. I found the route on GoBiking.ca, a website operated by Michael McGoldrick from 2008-15, and still a great resource for rides in the region and beyond.

This one begins on the NCC pathway along the Ottawa River. We kickstarted our bike app data from the Champlain Bridge, but one could join the Ottawa River path at any point. Follow the well-marked River path west toward Britannia (as in Ride 1), but this time take the path through Britannia Park and continue on the pathway across Carling Avenue and Acres Road.

Once across Moodie Drive, you enter Watts Creek Pathway, a forested change of pace from the river ride. Birds are plentiful here and after a wet spring, the creek was running strong during our June morning ride. Do look for wildlife. I came across a little turtle crossing the path in Britannia and, on the Trans Canada Trail, a wild turkey deftly disappeared into the deep grasses.

Please note there is no sign on the pathway to indicate where to turn left to join the Trans Canada for the trek into Stittsville. Roughly two kilometres past Moodie, approach slowly and look for an opening in the woods, and a break in the fencing, on the left side of the path. Now you will see a sign indicating the Trans Canada.

It’s easy to miss this turn, I certainly did, and three kilometres later was steered back to the entrance by a couple of kindly hikers. Note — if you see the 19th Tee driving range on your right side, you have missed the turnoff!

From here, you spend the final 14 kilometres of the ride on a fine gravel road through to Stittsville. Though not as sure as the pavement, the gravel path is in good shape and we had no problems with it. A touring tire is better, but my wife managed OK with her thin road tires, using caution across a few little trenches that erupted on a couple of gradients.

This wooded area provides a cool escape on a hot day. After passing underneath the 417, the trail crosses Timm Drive and past farmland until it reaches an old bridge once used for trains. Turn right to get on the bridge and this newly named path, the Ottawa-Carleton Trailway, will carry you the final nine kilometres into Stittsville.

This last portion grows a little monotonous, only adding fuel to the desire for some respite in Stittsville. The path leads right to the square at Main and Abbott streets. From here, without crossing a road, just walk your bike to the left about a hundred feet to arrive at Quitter’s Coffee, a lovely cafe opened by singer-songwriter Kathleen Edwards a few years ago.

We arrived at lunch hour on a Saturday and the cafe was lit with staff and visitors. That unexpected morning detour made us hungry for the delights awaiting us at Quitter’s, including a tuna melt sandwich, chocolate scone and delicious coffee. A fresh container of water was equally welcomed after a long morning ride.

Leaving Stittsville, the path home was quicker, a point driven home when we looked at the elevation profile afterward.

While the overall terrain is fairly flat (with an elevation gain of 129 metres), the gradient runs slightly downhill on the return trip, which we did comfortably in 90 minutes. It would have been faster but the prevailing westerly wind shifted to the east in the early afternoon, and the headwind was strong on the ride back to Westboro.

Ride 4: East end pathways to Petrie Island

COURSE: East End pathways
DISTANCE: 46 kilometres round trip
RATING: Intermediate


Here’s another gem of a ride from the heart of Ottawa-Gatineau along the Ottawa River, this time eastward to Orleans.

We started our day at Rideau Hall, parking on a side street off Stanley, west of the governor general’s residence. The initial path is on the road (Sussex) cycling past the ceremonial guards toward the roundabout. From here, follow the Ottawa River path eastward alongside the Sir George-Étienne Cartier Parkway past Rockcliffe Park.

The yellow line of the path then leads across the parkway (wait for a pause in traffic) to a lovely stretch of pathway on the north side of the parkway, offering spectacular views of the river and Gatineau. Next, you join the Aviation Parkway, past the New Edinburgh Club, where tiny sailboats were dancing just to the west of us. Ahead, a single-engine plane was taking off from the Rockcliffe Airport.

Past the Aviation and Space Museum on the left, there is an option to veer off the pathway toward the Ottawa River and a crushed stone path that offers nice views of the water. If you miss the first turn down to this path, there are several more to come. The path runs for nearly 10 kilometres and is a favourite of walkers and joggers, many of whom park at one of the lots along the parkway.Down on the dirt path, though, the parkway can’t be seen, and my riding partner said she felt as though we were in cottage country, given the thick blanket trees on one side and waterside shrubs and reeds on the other.

You’ll start to see a string of islands (Kettle, Duck, Lower Duck) leading toward Petrie. The Petrie Islands group was formed by sand deposited during the last ice age, some 12,000 years ago.

Eventually the stone and dirt path swings back to rejoin the paved Ottawa River pathway (albeit, a little off course at first), finally heading east again toward Orleans. At the opening of a chain link fence in front a large meadow, a Welcome to Orleans sign (Bienvenue!) was leaning at a 45-degree angle.

The path ends at Radisson Way and a housing development, but just follow Radisson east until it curls to the right past Besserer Place, part of a seniors residence. Now look for the path on the left and follow the signs for Petrie.

The final stretch to Trim Road and Petrie Island follow a sewage treatment line. At Petrie Island, there is a marina and a beach, but the day we arrived was overcast and rainy and definitely not a time to linger. As it turned out, the last stretch of pathway to Petrie and the muddy island road were the only areas hit by a passing storm system and as we rejoined the Ottawa River path for the return trip the pavement was dry once again.

Passing through Green’s Creek, a family of wild turkeys shot me a look, stood frozen for a second and then sauntered off into the bush. Back at Rideau Hall, we lingered, holding out faint hope that the governor general might invite a couple of hungry riders in for high tea.

Alas, the cafes of the Byward Market were the only option. Getting around in this central area will be a lot easier when the NCC finally fixes up the closed paths behind the Parliament buildings and Canadian Museum of History. The repair of flood damage and unstable ground in this area has the NCC pursuing a long-term solution here, rebuilding the pathways to a “higher standard.” They won’t be open until the spring of 2018 at the earliest.


COURSE: Gatineau Park to Old Chelsea
DISTANCE: 35 kilometres round trip
RATING: Challenging

Any ride through Gatineau Park is a great one.

Once in the park, options are endless — on road, on path, off-road. Meech Lake. The Loop. These are familiar terms for the growing number of riders who habituate the ‘Gats.’

This charted ride, a 35-kilometre round trip from the southern entrance of the park to the village of Old Chelsea, offers a sampling of the park with a nourishment stop at Old Chelsea. The elevation gain is 326 metres.

Gatineau Park can be reached from almost anywhere via the vast tributaries of bike paths in Ottawa and Gatineau, but for the sake of simplicity, we begin at the parking lot next to Parc Moussette, off Boulevard de Lucerne, by the outdoor tennis courts. A lot of Gatineau bike rides start here. Ride east along Lucerne for a short block and then go left on Rue Begin for the entrance to the park. (Resist the temptation to have lunch at Edgar! Save it for the end of the ride).

Once inside the park, I prefer the pathway rather than the main road up to P3 at the former Rue Gamelin, now an east-west path. P3 is a major starting point for Gatineau rides and has a drinking fountain and portable toilets. Riders can enjoy a car-free tour on the parkway Sunday mornings as 27 kilometres of the parkway roads are closed to traffic from 6 to 11 a.m. But even when cars are heading up to Meech Lake or Old Chelsea through the park, they generally accommodate bikes.

From P3 I stay on the main road right up to Meech Road, although there are plenty of options to use a path instead. If you use the paths, you will have to get back on the promenade prior to the Pink Lake climb or you’ll either be away on an off-road adventure behind the lake or taking the roads on the fringe of the park into Chelsea via Chemin de la Mine, Notch and Kingsmere. Better to ride through the heart of the park’s south end.

There are some 200 different bird species in the park, and on our recent trip, bullfrogs serenaded us from various ponds and deer were dancing in and out of view. In summer, do this ride early to mid-morning to avoid the mid-day heat. The hill pain magnifies when the temperature exceeds 30 C.

At Meech Lake Road, you’ll see P8 at the northwest corner, but to reach the village of Old Chelsea, go right at the Meech stop sign and follow the slight uphill to the village. There is a roadside bike lane for the kilometre or so ride to Chelsea. Go left at the first street, Chemin Scott, and Biscotti & Cie cafe will have a cold pitcher of water waiting for you just inside the door.

Biscotti is a coffee shop and lunch counter favoured by riders and visitors to the town. They also serve lemonade, coffee and stronger drinks, along with salads, sandwiches and pastries. Place your order and take your number to your seat (outdoors, preferably) and a server will bring it to you.

Next door, grab an ice cream at La Cigale. There are other restaurants and pubs in Old Chelsea and a good bakery (Boulangerie Dans Un Village) around the corner on the main street of Chemin Old Chelsea.

You have to earn these treats.


“There will be hills,” is the obvious caution for those riding in Gatineau Park a first time. They can be daunting for those used to the gently rolling paths along the Ottawa River, but each time out the climbs get easier. Everyone, eventually, finds his or her climbing legs. Don’t be discouraged if riders dressed for the Tour de France pass you as though you’re standing still, there is a wide range of abilities, ages, and bike technology in the park. Find a comfortable rhythm and stick to it.Those who like a serious challenge can veer off and do the famous Gatineau loop up to Champlain Lookout (see link) and beyond. The Lookout is daunting the first time up, but even without the Champlain detour, there are hills to conquer on the main parkway road toward Chelsea: chiefly at Pink Lake, and then past the Champlain turnoff. From Meech Road, if you need a swim, it’s a relatively short jaunt (about four kilometres) to Meech Lake’s O’Brien Beach.


Meech Road can easily be reached from the southern entrance of the park within in an hour.

For a shorter and different return trip, from Old Chelsea make a left onto Notch Road, and either take it straight to the Gatineau Parkway, or go left on Mine Road and follow it to the No. 5 park path. Go right on the path, which enters the park just past Rue Marie-Burger. The path will lead back to P3, and on down to the park entrance. Or, as I did recently, use a cross-path below Pink to rejoin the main promenade of the Parkway to P3.

This return trip bypasses two stiff park hills and trims three kilometres off the park route. The downside is a gravel shoulder on Notch, and horrible stretches of road on Notch and Mine that are in desperate need of repaving. It is especially bad near the edges, forcing bikes out into the road, where traffic can be an issue. Fortunately it is only for a few kilometres before a sound park path beckons.

As you arrive back the southern entrance, now is the time to stop in at Edgar, on Rue Bégin for a treat.


