[分享] To Forget!


Fly Away!^_^
Forget everything lar!
Just me only o!
:blowzy: :blowzy: :blowzy:
I know you see that lar
so sad, you can't write here
that's ok lar,if i have something don't want to talk to you face to face
i wrote here lor
you check every day a
Met you when i was really sad
Lucky to see you then we celebrated my 22birthday
even you had gf at that time!
one year later,we met again.
Maybe you can't believe lor,when i see you at first time,i have this feeling lar!
Now,every thing comes to true lor!
Wait for you come and drink again!
Show Canada to you hope you like lor!
If you can stay here much more better lar!
Anyway,you can live anywhere in this world
I'll go with you lor,if you want!:blowzy: :blowzy: :blowzy:
I am cooking now,don't wanna leave message on msn lar
because you are sleeping ma,if i leave message,you will hear lor
then you get up,can't sleep well ma
yesterday are you drunk?!
i know you won't lar,strong drinker mar!
talk to you later, zhu!
The first thing at everyday that after wake up,just check yahoo message
read your new message.
Alex back,you have one more friend who can play with you,happy le bar,haha!
Remember,don't bet with him lar,he play too much lar.
I know you are a good boy,still worried about your because I can't stay with you,haha!
I read your message today after I woke up,I saw the time is 5:30am in your country a!
You didn't sleep a,maybe after your work,you went out with Alex mei?!
Or,you want to talk to me today,so you finished your work before we talk mar?haha
Sorry a,today I didn't go out,because we say good bye at 7:30am here,too early to go out.
I sleep again lar,until now,heihei.
Today I have floor meeting ma,so can't go out anymore.
Tomorrow I will fix my pc lor,haha!
Time to have meeting now,I go lor. Dream of me a!
Miss you too!:p :p :p
zhu zhu,miss you lor o!
still didn't wake up mar?
dreaming of me mar?!
i am watching football now lar,break time
come here just tell you
miss you,can you feel that?
Can't sleep!

Can't sleep,want to write something to you,but don't want you see that,so i type chinese here!
Zhu zhu,I just woke up,I decided to keep your message from today!
Because when we can't talk, I can see that,then I know you miss me also!:blowzy: :blowzy: :blowzy:
You came back home at 3am,then play 3 hours game,same as the day before yesterday la!
I can't leave message on yahoo, you need to sleep more!you are zhu mar,haha!:p :p :p
Don't worry about me, I will eat lar today,not small noodle,also not mian bao, today eat jiao zi,ok?haha
You lar,always say I am heavy,but always ask me to eat more!:mad: :mad: confuse me lar!
Before I never believe that love can make ppl change,so I see some of my firends when they fall in love then they changed, I couldn't understand why.Now, I can totally understand lar,amazing!Now I found,you are the one and only in my whole life liao!haha:blowzy: :blowzy:
How many did you drink yar this morning?I know you are ok lar,hope you friends didn't angry with you lor!Ok,talk about that later!After you wake up lar!
Good Good sleep a,dream of me!
Silly Girl!:kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2:
I wanna restore my pc now,i hope i can done it well before you wake up lar!
if i can't,i will call you!
zhu zhu,miss me a!
Don't be sad, same as me lor,last time China also lost,you know why did your term lose?Because they know my term also lost,they don't want just me sad mar,so...Happy lar!We have next year mar!
Next year,if I can, I go and see with you lor,zhu zhu!Don't be sad anymore lar!
I leave message on yahoo o,don't know did you get or not!
Sad Sad,my firend told me they will arrivel at 1pm,wuwuwu...
Wo yun lar!
hen jiu mei you lai zhe li liu yan le,yin wei mei tian dou hui zai yahoo li mian liu yan gei ni
alex zou le,wo bu yong zai dan xin shui hui ba zhong wen fan yi gei ni le!kai xin a!
sui ran you peng you lai kan wo le,ke shi,xin qing dou bu shi hen hao,ye bu zhi dao wei shen me
ni shuo shi wo tai xiang ni de yuan gu le,ye xu ba!
zhe liang tian ni ye hen lei,lei le jiu hao hao xiu xi ba
ni zhen de cheng zhu le,shui le na me jiu?!5555
Can you understand?I know you can lar!
Talk to you later!
:crying: :crying: :crying: