The first thing at everyday that after wake up,just check yahoo message
read your new message.
Alex back,you have one more friend who can play with you,happy le bar,haha!
Remember,don't bet with him lar,he play too much lar.
I know you are a good boy,still worried about your because I can't stay with you,haha!
I read your message today after I woke up,I saw the time is 5:30am in your country a!
You didn't sleep a,maybe after your work,you went out with Alex mei?!
Or,you want to talk to me today,so you finished your work before we talk mar?haha
Sorry a,today I didn't go out,because we say good bye at 7:30am here,too early to go out.
I sleep again lar,until now,heihei.
Today I have floor meeting ma,so can't go out anymore.
Tomorrow I will fix my pc lor,haha!
Time to have meeting now,I go lor. Dream of me a!
Miss you too!