The Capital Builders: Elkanah Billings, expert on the area's rocks

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Elkanah Billings was by turns a failed farmer, a so-so lawyer and a newspaper editor who didn’t stick around long, but he made his Ottawa mark through his hobby (and later profession) of looking at rocks.

The name “Elkanah” ran in the Billings family that had settled in Gloucester Township; it’s taken from the Bible, and belonged to the Ottawa Elkanah’s New England grandfather.

Young Elkanah attended a boarding school in Potsdam, NY, in the 1830s, then studied law in Toronto. (He had tried farming briefly along the way, in his late teens, but gave it up.) Qualified to practise law in 1844, he came home to Bytown.


Elkanah Billings

The practice wasn’t a great success, so he moved to Renfrew, hoping for better luck there. Again, he had difficulties. City of Ottawa records note: “Writing to his mother in 1852, he complained that the other lawyers in the surrounding areas were unjustly black balling him, and argued that he was ‘as well qualified to enter as any lawyer in Bytown.’ ”

But along the way, Elkanah Billings discovered his love of the natural world, and particularly rocks.

He became a self-taught authority on the Ottawa Valley and its animals, especially the animal life of the ancient past that is preserved as fossils.

Renfrew County made a good starting ground while he was a lawyer there, and after that Billings explored much of Eastern Ontario, Southern Quebec and the neighbouring U.S. states.

He was the editor of the Citizen in the early 1850s, so a lot of his observations made it into print here. But he was also publishing academic work: He founded the Canadian Naturalist and Geologist journal.

As an amateur geologist, he turned out prose such as this:

“Blue thin-bedded and Nodular Limestones.

“Lying to the east of the magnetian limestones, and above them, is a formation of greyish or dark blue, sometimes almost black limestone, with some beds of white marble …”


These fossils, collected from a sandstone outcrop in downtown St. John’s, Newfoundland, are specimens of aspidella terranovica — the long-extinct sea creatures first identified as living organisms and named in 1872 by Ottawa paleontologist Elkanah Billings.
Guy Narbonne, Queen’s University

Anyway, he found and identified a lot of fossils — not the dinosaurs of Western Canada, but corals and shellfish that had been preserved on the rock formed by the bed of former seas.

He could have remained an enthusiastic amateur. Then he met the famous William E. Logan, head of the Geological Survey of Canada, which had the ambitious assignment of travelling all over the country and recording literally what it was made of.

Billings impressed Logan so much that, in time, Billings was appointed the head paleontologist of the Geological Survey.

Logan had a staff of one to survey all of Upper Canada.

“He recruited all kind of people with an interest in paleontology — crowdsourcing — and asked them all to go out and look and gather samples,” says Michelle Coyne of Natural Resources Canada, who is now curator of the collection Billings founded.

As the samples came in from these amateur explorers, Billings was the hub to receive and organize them.

Although he was entirely self-taught, “that happened a lot in those days,” Coyne said. Logan learned to appreciate Billings’s strength: the ability to look at a new fossil and compare it to the known “reference” specimens to see how the new piece fit into the puzzle.

The government didn’t particularly care about the little dead creatures for their own sake. “Identifying fossils was the only way back then to tell how old a rock was.” The federal government was looking for valuable coal deposits, and Billings figured out that Ontario’s rock was too old to have coal. It did, however, contain other materials: gold, silver, iron and nickel.

He is credited with identifying 526 new species of invertebrates (animals without spines) from the Paleozoic era – a period lasting a few hundred million years that came before the rise of the dinosaurs.

As the number of specimens grew, they were eventually split up. Vertebrate animals (dinosaurs and others with spines) went to what is now the Canadian Museum of Nature; the smaller invertebrates stayed with the Geological Survey.

Michelle Coyne likes to go back to the Billings Estate. She is always drawn to the ice house, built of a type of limestone that is rich with fossils.

“I sometimes wonder,” she said, “Is that where he got it from?”

Sidebar: The Billings Family

Elkanah Billings had the luxury of a well-to-do family behind him. A quick review is in order to make sense of how this Victorian gentleman could float from one occupation to another:

American-born Braddish Billings and his Canadian wife Lamira Dow set up the original log cabin in 1813 on the south side of the Rideau River. City of Ottawa archives show they “grew hay and oats, and they raised cows, oxen, sheep, lambs, horses, and pigs. They also ran a dairy and made potash.” Braddish also worked in the lumbering business for Philemon Wright.


Image of Braddish Billings II on display in the Billings Estate National Historic Site. Wayne Cuddington, Postmedia

It was a good time to be a farmer, with the Rideau Canal construction beginning in the 1820s. The archives note that “one of the keys to Braddish’s success was his ability to merge the two enterprises (i.e. farming and lumber.) He geared his farm towards the needs of the lumbermen, selling them salt pork, wheat, potatoes, corn, hay, oats, potash, dairy products, and wool products. Meanwhile, the lumber companies reduced spending and increased profitability by getting provisions locally. Braddish’s connections also gave him easy access to lumber for his homestead.”

The family opened a sawmill in 1823, and later ran a ferry and a tavern.

Braddish was also an overseer of construction on the canal and won contracts to build barracks for workers, a wharf and workshops.

The family prospered, and built its home on the hill overlooking the river in 1829. The grounds contained an ice house, milk house, smokehouse and other outbuildings, which are still standing.


The Billings Estate National Historic Site is the oldest wood framed house in Ottawa and was built in 1827-9 by Massachusetts-born Braddish Billings. Photo Wayne Cuddington/ Postmedia

The family could afford to send sons Braddish Jr., Elkanah and Samuel to good schools. Samuel later stayed on the farm while the two older boys moved into town.

An Elkanah Billings timeline:

Born 1820 in Gloucester (now Ottawa).

Graduated in law 1844.

Lawyer in Bytown until 1849, and in Renfrew 1849-52.

Editor of Bytown Citizen 1852-55.

Joined Geological Survey of Canada 1856.

Died 1876.

