Reevely: Moving major sculpture at Lansdowne might have wrecked it, artist says

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Installing temporary seats for the Grey Cup football game at Lansdowne has meant taking out one of the site’s multimillion-dollar works of art in a way that might have ruined it, according to the artist who created it.

“In my honest estimation, I will be very surprised if it ever goes back, or can go back the way it was before,” said Jill Anholt, the Vancouver artist who made Moving Surfaces, the gigantic screen made of steel piles and electronic lights that crowned Lansdowne Park’s big hill next to TD Place stadium until a couple of weeks ago.

Moving Surfaces at TD Place in Ottawa, August 08, 2017.

Anholt designed the sculpture and oversaw its installation three years ago, along with the trickling spire Uplift in the park’s water plaza. Together they cost about $4 million. Now, Moving Surfaces is in pieces again, its largest sections wrapped in plastic and stashed between some trees and a construction trailer at the edge of the park. In its place, workers are assembling the metal lattice that will hold up thousands of extra seats for the Canadian Football League’s championship game at the end of November.

Just taking out a signature piece of public art for this is symbolic of Lansdowne Park as a whole. We spent a lot of money to redevelop it and we keep allowing its gradual crappification because it turns out that polishing crown jewels is difficult and expensive. Painted lines for traffic in supposedly pedestrian-oriented areas. A “water plaza” that got crummier with each iteration. Relatively nice metal bollards replaced with cheap plastic ones because people kept driving into them.

Now tens of thousands of people will be at Lansdowne for one of the biggest events it’ll ever host and let’s just clear this junk out of the way.

The stands will stay up for an outdoor hockey game in December, said the city’s general manager of parks, Dan Chenier, in an email on Tuesday relayed through the city’s communications staff. The sculpture is to go back up in the spring.

To make way for the temporary stands for the Grey Cup, the city’s dismantled the expensive steel-and-LEDs sculpture on top of the Lansdowne Park berm.

Moving Surfaces was never designed to be taken out, Anholt said. Everybody knew TD Place would get temporary bleachers for very big events and they and the nearby sculpture would have to fit together.

“As part of our design process, the issue of the Grey Cup temporary stands came up,” she said. “The architects did a full detailed model proving the artwork could stay in position and the stands could be built around the artwork. It was settled.”

Installing the sculpture was a huge job. The vertical pieces that rise from the ground went in one by one and the arched portion was installed in two massive pieces, using welded-on lifting brackets removed after each piece was in place.

The lights can glitter, flash, undulate gently in different colours; Anholt’s work evokes the water of the Rideau Canal. The system can be reprogrammed to show different patterns and artistic designs but its functioning depends on its being put together properly.

“It’s stainless steel, it has a specialized finish on it. It has LEDs that were installed in the site, because they were so delicate. It has an enormous arch that was site-welded because it was so difficult,” Anholt said. “I was there on site checking every inch of it to make sure it was right.”

Wiring the lights would have much easier indoors in a studio but Anholt said she couldn’t come up with a way of doing the delicate work without risking its destruction while the steel pieces were installed.

So when Anholt got wind — via the city’s public-art department, not the people arranging the work — that Moving Surfaces might be taken out, she wrote to the city to raise her worries, she said, but never heard anything back.

“I don’t feel like my concerns have been heard,” Anholt said.

Putting it back together could be like assembling an artificial Christmas tree that you tore down and stuffed in a closet in a hurry last January, if the tree were tonnes of steel and instead of four or five tangled strings of lights you had a hundred.

The fact that the big arch portion is “kind of just dumped at the side of the site” (the other parts are at a city works yard) and at first they didn’t even throw a tarp over it doesn’t inspire confidence, she said. It’s an outdoor piece but not meant to lie on its side with its guts exposed.

The city got an Ottawa-based art conservator to monitor the disassembly, Chenier said. Anholt agreed that’s better than nothing, but someone who wasn’t familiar with the structure and its components couldn’t have done as good a job as someone who knows the piece inside and out.

The concrete footings are still in the ground, Chenier said. “Reassembly plans and timelines have not been finalized but will include involvement of the required expertise, including the artist as required, to ensure a successful reassembly.”

Which seems to be news to Anholt.

She’s an award-winning artist with commissions for big pieces across North America, including one for the new Hurdman light-rail station. If the sculpture can’t be put back in the right configuration and with its lights working, she said she’ll take her name off the work.

“We spent so long to get it just perfect,” she said. “All an artist has is the integrity of their work. If you put substandard works out there it eats away at your integrity. If this doesn’t go back just right, it’s not going to be art. It’s going to be just a thing.”

