Australian Chinese for Families Association 澳洲华人家庭守护联盟

focus on today


澳洲华人家庭守护联盟 于2017年5月正式成立。我们的宗旨是为全澳持有传统家庭价值观的华人提供一个平台,集合大家的声音,向政府和广大社会清晰而合理地表达我们的意愿。我们关注各种对家庭和下一代带来威胁的事项——包括“安全学校”计划、同性婚姻合法化等。本网站为澳洲华人提供最及时全面的相关信息,恳请大家详细阅览并广泛转发。我们邀请您现在就点击这里,免费订阅我们的定期新闻推送!
妈妈们的恐惧导致同性婚姻支持率下降 Same Sex Marriage Support is Falling, and Mums are Behind it
Oct 05, 2017
同性婚姻邮政公投五个星期后就截止了,我们独家报道,根据No阵营大型民意调查,支持票数,尤其来自妈妈们的支持票数呈自由落体式下降。 支持修改婚姻法的人数在四个星期的宣传后下降到51%,同时投No的人数上升到了37%。 这个民意调查在9月25日采样了1200位澳洲公民,误差范围2.5%。跟最近的新闻调查结果走向趋近。 WITH five weeks to go in the Same Sex Marriage postal plebiscite, the Yes vote is in free fall, especially among mothers, according to large-scale polling by...
婚姻守卫行动过半,我们有些好消息与大家分享!- Some great news as we pass the halfway mark of the campaign!

posted by Admin | 15sc
October 05, 2017

The campaign to defend marriage is now more than halfway through – and what a roller coaster ride it has been for us at ACF!

几周前,我们的联合创办人Pansy Lai医生勇敢地在电视广告中发言,向大家发出警告:“同性婚姻如在澳洲合法化,如‘安全学校’一类的同性恋性教育将变成必修课、家长们将失去决定权”。


Some weeks ago, our co-founder, Dr Pansy Lai, bravely appeared in a television advert warning that if same-sex marriage becomes law in Australia, gay sex education programs like “Safe Schools” could become compulsory and parents could lose the right to decide what their children are taught.

The response of thousands of “Yes” supporters was to threaten and intimidate Dr Lai. A petition was launched to have her doctor’s registration cancelled, and she received numerous threats to her safety.
来自加拿大和英国的警告 - 我们跟本不用推测同婚立法的后果 Video: We don’t have to speculate about what’s next - Warnings from Canada and England
Oct 17, 2017
来自加拿大的警告:我们采访了几位杰出的加拿大人 Warnings from Canada: We talked to 7 prominent Canadians 1、 伊恩 本森 教授 Professor Iain Benson “本次立法将会对信仰自由带来怎样的威胁?” “信仰自由将要面对的威胁是显而易见的。我们只需看看一些已经将同性婚姻合法化的国家的记录。还有一些正在发生的触目惊心的变化。”加拿大最高法院将要庭审一桩诉讼,是关于福音派法学院的办学资格。这是一场严肃的辩论,涉及现有相关法律是否允许人们对于婚姻这个话题存有不同的观点。 澳大利亚的民众千万要儆醒,确保国家法律必须明确地保护信仰自由和多元化。” “是否能从这方面对澳大利亚的现状进行分析?” “据我所知,澳大利亚现在的法律对信仰自由的保护,比加拿大的相关法律更加微弱。” What are some of the possible risks this...

“同时这条法律给予州政府特权,使政府拥有权力来决定谁才是孩子的家长,同时,安大略省出现每个孩子可以同时拥有四个法定家长的情形 —— 可以有多至四名互不相关的成人来签署孕前协议,成为这个孩子的法定家长。”



“We recently had a law passed in Ontario it was called the “All Families are Equal Act.” What that did was strike out, quite deliberately the terms mother and father from law.

“What it also did was give the state additional powers in deciding who are parents and create also conditions in the province of Ontario where you can have up to four legal parents – four unrelated adults can choose to sign a preconception agreement and then become parents of a child.

“This is a natural outcome of same sex marriage when you consider that you’ve removed gender from marriage.

“If you introduce same sex marriage that you are in effect removing mothers and fathers and that is precisely what happened in the province of Ontario. But I can tell you that when same sex marriage was legalised I did think that that sounded far fetched and now looking at the the new law I actually wonder why it didn’t happen earlier, because it’s a natural outcome of the legalisation of same sex marriage.”






“When we passed our same sex marriage legislation it was a very short piece of work: The definition will change from a union of a man and a woman, to the union of two persons. But in front of that simple little change in the law was a long list of whereas clauses, a dozen of them in fact. And following is the usual thing you have in law, you have consequential amendments to existing law.

“Among those consequential amendments was: Language of natural parents and of natural parent / child relationships and blood relations, all that was struck from Canadian law and replaced with “legal parents”, “legal parent/ child relationships.” Now you can see when that happens, that the power of the state is hugely enhanced.

“Hence the question asked by our own chief justice – “who owns the children?”

“Increasingly the answer is: the state owns the children and allots them. Now it’s still very convenient to allot them to their natural parents, who else is going to be so devoted to them, right? Who’s going to pay the bill?

“But, if the state doesn’t like what you’re teaching your children, if it doesn’t think you’re forming your children in a way that suits the new morality and the new program, well then that’s another matter.

“Your child comes to our state school and we persuade him or her to be in doubt about his or her own sexual orientation or even his or her own sex. Well, we will help this child make their transition and you will have no right to interfere or even to know that this is happening unless the child chooses to tell you. And that kind of stuff is happening in Canada.”





我们跟本不用推测同婚立法的后果, 我们只需看看一些已经将同性婚姻合法化的国家的记录。

On Feb 16 of this year, my agency called me to work at a school that I had gone to quite regularly. I have one RE lesson. Went into the classroom and I found I was teaching a lesson on Christianity, and so I thought, well as I’m a Christian, I know a little bit about this. We talked about the cross, why Jesus died on the cross, which got into talking about sin.

And one girl piped up: “What do you think about gay marriage, Miss?” So I said, “well this is my personal view, but I don’t agree with it. I believe marriage is between a man and a woman for life.”

And they went out of the class. Five minutes later, no longer, in comes a teacher who is in charge of supply and she sits down and says “Now I’ve got some quite disturbing reports from the pupils that have come from your lesson. They are telling me that you have said some disparaging things about homosexuals and gay people.

“And I said, Yes I have said it is a personal view. And I said we should have our own opinions, we should be able to express arguments or discussions about these things. It would be very boring if we all felt the same thing about everything.

“She said, well I’ve been asked by the Deputy Head to instantly dismiss you from our school, and we will not be employing you in the future. So I had to leave.”

We don’t have to speculate about what’s next. All we need to do is to look at the record in the various countries where same sex marriage has been legalised.
神棍们全世界捣乱啊 . 能不代表华人吗?

就叫"全球神棍保护家庭联合会" 多好
对 不应该什么都说是代表华人。 应该是加上基督徒华人更好吧。

