Reevely: U of O gets grant to fight discrimination in schools, though not the most obvious kind

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The University of Ottawa is getting provincial money to help schools fight discrimination, Education Minister Mitzie Hunter announced Monday.

They’re calling it an Equity Knowledge Network, which is “intended to bring together educators, school and system leaders, and community partners to work on identifying and removing all forms of discrimination and systemic barriers from schools and classrooms, and uphold diversity, equity, inclusion, and human rights.”

It’s the third network of its type, following one on math education and one on “well-being” — promoting physical and mental health in schools. The details of the plan are, unfortunately, described in academic bureaucratese that slides right off the mind.

The network will “Create, sustain, and evaluate a provincial strategy for bringing teachers, administrators, teacher candidates and community groups (including parent groups) together to attend Lead Associate Teacher Days and co-create communities of practice,” for instance. And “Translate and mobilize research-informed practices with communities of practice through the co-creation of culturally relevant resources, teaching strategies, and school community, library, curriculum, and classroom tool kits.”

Education Minister Mitzie Hunter.

In plainer English, the point is to take academic research on these issues and turn it into advice and materials that teachers and administrators can use, an obviously worthwhile idea. Since it mostly consists of connecting people who are already doing this sort of work at different universities and in different school boards, it’s not expensive — a $1-million effort.

“The Ontario government does not tolerate any form of racism or discrimination in the classroom or the school community,” Hunter said in making the announcement via a written statement.

This means turning our eyes away from the religious discrimination that’s built into Ontario’s Education Act, of course. The equity research network has four partner school boards to start with: all the ones covering Ottawa. One English and one French for educating Catholics, and one of each for educating everyone else.

If you want your child educated in the Catholic faith, the Ontario government will pay for it. If you want any other form of religious education, you’re on your own.

Catholic doctrine, moreover, discriminates based on all sorts of qualities forbidden by the Ontario Human Rights Code, including sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and marital status. Catholic schools have resisted gay-straight alliances as anti-bullying tools, resisted the modern sex-education curriculum, resisted hiring teachers whose lifestyles don’t pass Catholic muster. People can hold their own ideas about right and wrong behaviour, of course. But if a landlord acted this way, the government would have none of it.

There are numerous arguments for publicly funding Catholic education, from the historical (this was a Confederation-era deal and must be honoured forever) to the instrumental (it creates a form of school choice and competition in a province that otherwise discourages it). It’s not even necessarily that much more expensive, since the main cost in education is salaries and we’d need nearly all the teachers regardless.

But it’s absolutely not a system we’d consider setting up today. If a politician proposed to do this from scratch, the idea would be ridiculous. We’ve even rejected expanding sectarian education in a way that would make things fairer. A decade ago, then Progressive Conservative leader John Tory said hey, if we fund Catholic schools we should fund Jewish and Muslim ones, too. Dalton McGuinty demolished him.

A couple of years ago, Finance Minister Charles Sousa started asking Ontarians online for ideas for his 2016 budget. The most popular, using the online voting system the finance ministry offered: getting rid of separate Catholic schools. Sousa’s doing the idea-gathering again this year, and once again, merging school boards is caught in the net.

Separately, the Liberal party is running its own online consultation, looking for ideas for its 2018 election platform. They just started it on the weekend so it’s early, but the most popular idea? “Amalgamate school systems.” As of Monday afternoon, it had 60 votes in favour and 18 against. It’s also pretty sure to get nowhere.

A great big act of official discrimination stares the education ministry in the face every day, waiting for a government with the courage to do something about it. Of course we can do small things in schools to fight discrimination, both overt and subtle, without solving everything. But we have a foundational problem that makes “equity” in Ontario’s schools more difficult to achieve than it needs to be.

