Capital Builders: Book highlights the people who shaped Ottawa history

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Who built 24 Sussex Drive? You may not know that, and neither did I, until just over a year ago, when Citizen editors sat down to plan some of our coverage for Canada 150.

Among the ideas that surfaced was a series of profiles of local city-builders. Not the famous people and politicians whose names are familiar and who happened to have lived in Ottawa, but the longtime residents who shaped and contributed to making the city we know today.

Within a few weeks, most of our reporters had signed up to write a weekly profile or two of the people who played a key role in politics, the arts, architecture, science and other fields.

Through their work, we were introduced to Elkanah Billings from the famous Billings family. He was a mediocre lawyer, a challenged farmer and perhaps less-than-inspired newspaper editor, but he loved fossils, and made serious enduring contributions to science.

There’s the story of Paul Barber, one of the city’s earliest known black residents, and a horse trainer of such skill that the elite sought him out.

There was the courageous battle waged by Diane and Béatrice Desloges to safeguard French language education, backed up by parents wielding hatpins to keep the authorities at bay when they tried to prevent this. And if you’re drinking clean tap water today in Ottawa, you owe that to Thomas Keefer.

There was the Confederation baby who became a heroic Ottawa fire chief. And you can credit — or blame — Jacques Gréber for many of today’s urban planning patterns.

And J.R. Booth may have been the most influential entrepreneur in early Ottawa, but he also caused one of its earliest pollution problems, too: Sawdust from his mills clogged the Ottawa River, literally stopping boats.

All of these people and their remarkable stories made it into our weekly series. And with the partnership of Ottawa photographer and publisher John McQuarrie, they’ve now made it into a special edition book, which we’re pleased to offer as both a keepsake slice of Ottawa’s local history and a remembrance of Canada 150 celebrations in the capital.

Citizen photographers contributed heavily, and McQuarrie shot beautiful colour photos of the capital to illustrate the book and complement every story.

I hope you enjoy revisiting our city’s storied past and getting to know our capital builders as much as I have.

A limited number of copies are for sale for $25 at the Ottawa Citizen, 1101 Baxter Road. To purchase a copy through the Citizen, please call 613-596-3680. Credit card transactions only.

