Bagnall: Phoenix — a disaster so bad, it just might spark real change

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Out of crisis, opportunity.

Things are so awful at the Phoenix pay project it just might prove the catalyst for a different way of doing large projects in government.

On Tuesday, in his latest report, auditor general Michael Ferguson laid out the case for profound change, particularly with respect to information technology projects, with barely controlled fury.

He pointed out that it took the responsible federal department — Public Services and Procurement Canada — a full year after the February 2016 launch of Phoenix before it started to build a roadmap for a permanent fix.


Including money already tossed at this disaster, the fix will require a total of $540 million by March 31, 2019 — and that’s assuming it works. Nor does this amount include the initial $310 million spent to modernize and consolidate the federal government’s pay system for 290,000 employees.

Now here’s the scary part: Public Services, as of last June, had examined just six of the 200 software customizations attached to Phoenix in a frantic effort to identify the sources of the system’s many errors. This, with the help of an unidentified consultant hired earlier this year.

According to Ferguson, this plan, still being finalized last June, is proposing no fewer than 40 individual projects over the next three years — suggesting Phoenix may not be functioning properly until at least 2020.

Is it time to give up?

Maybe not.

Splitting the Phoenix repair job into more manageable pieces is not a bad idea, provided the individual projects actually succeed in returning the system to its intended track.

An example from Ferguson’s report reveals its flavour. The auditor general pointed out that one-quarter of outstanding pay requests were issued by employees who had acquired the title “acting.” Phoenix was supposed to handle these requests automatically but the software to actually do that wasn’t added until March 2017 — 13 months after the system had been launched. And even then, 40 per cent of the transactions had to be handled manually.

Fixing these sorts of delays, one by one, would go some distance toward accelerating the egregious backlog. Ferguson said 150,000 plus government employees — half of the total public service — were experiencing pay issues last June. Many had multiple transactions in the queue.

While software experts sort through the technical problems, the government has gone on a hiring binge so Public Services and other federal departments can begin to make a dent in pay requests that require manual processing. The irony, of course, is that the Conservatives, starting in 2014, had reduced the number of compensation advisers across government from 2,000 to 1,350 in anticipation of a more efficient system.

The government today now employs more compensation advisers and support staff than it did prior to the launch of Phoenix — counting the employees within departments who have recently been reassigned — temporarily, one hopes — to handle pay issues.

Such is the “all-hands-on-deck” sentiment throughout government that even the public service unions are contemplating agreeing to simpler language in dozens of collective agreements.

They have a number of incentives to make changes in contract language, even if it potentially eliminates certain types of overtime pay or complex provisions relating to paid leave. Labour leaders have been inundated with demands from members to help get Phoenix fixed. Few blame the unions for the broken system but blame is no longer the point.

Phoenix has been in crisis so long that government employees are now making career decisions stemming from their fear of payroll consequences. If they transfer to another department, retire, go on paternity leave or accept a raise, will they be able to weather a temporary loss of pay?

There are other knock-on effects of Phoenix, most notably in other departments that are also managing complex information technology projects. Earlier this year, the Department of National Defence cancelled a procurement that would have linked part of its pay system to Phoenix. Departments are also evaluating whether they should manage IT projects in a different manner altogether.

The federal government has a long history of top-down management — intricate, massive designs that try to anticipate every contingency. But by the time all aspects are locked in, the world of technology has moved on.

In the case of Phoenix, project managers seemed to understand the risks and potential complications of the system they were proposing — but at a theoretical level. The auditor general made it clear that very little was ready when the system was launched at a practical level — not the software, the processes or the oversight. When the system early on began sounding warning sirens, those managing Phoenix didn’t know how to ask the right questions to establish a fix.

This knowledge gap existed because Public Services and Procurement Canada tried to do everything itself.

Ferguson concluded his report by urging Public Services and Treasury Board — the federal government’s main employer — to develop a sustainable repair for Phoenix based on a fuller understanding of the system’s underlying flaws.

Ideally such a fix would address the culture that produces such IT disasters. There’s too little direct experience in IT, too much fear of making errors that embarrass cabinet members and top brass in the department, too little feedback from the rest of government.

Getting all this right might mean we’d never have to read another report as damning as the one Ferguson delivered Tuesday.

