Subsidy issues 'not acceptable' says head of Ottawa child-care agency

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The sloppy handling of child-care subsidies for low-income families highlighted in a report by the city’s auditor-general had “lots of consequences” for families and child-care providers, the head of a large Ottawa children’s agency says.

Because the eligibility of those who were receiving subsidized care went without review for more than two years, an audit of the city’s children services department found the city may have paid out $1.5 million per year in subsidies to families no longer eligible before ultimately turning off the subsidy tap in 2016.

Those who needed — and were eligible for — subsidized care didn’t receive it, and that may have fouled up their career or school plans, or forced them to find more precarious child-care arrangements, said Kim Hiscott, executive director of Andrew Fleck Children’s Services.

“That is not acceptable,” she said.

“There were a lot of (parents) who were not able to go to work or go to school because they didn’t have access to child care.”

When families heard about the subsidy freeze, Hiscott said, some may not have bothered putting their name on the list because they figured it wasn’t worth it. Others may have chosen to pay the full fee until such time subsidies became available again, stretching the family budget in the meantime.

“There were lots of consequences.”

The city announced in September 2016 it had fully spent its annual allocation for fee subsidies, which are intended to help low-income families cover the cost of licensed child care. In fact, the program was so oversubscribed that it left the department with a $2.2-million deficit that year.

It also meant that when a child receiving a subsidy left the system, it didn’t open up a subsidy for another child.

Centres were left with the choice of filling vacant spaces with a family willing to pay the full fee or leaving the spaces empty.

Many smaller programs struggled, while larger providers like Hiscott’s — which operates eight centres and employs more than 150 people — were able to “ride it out” by moving staff around and not replacing others who left. “It’s been a pretty tough year for centres and for families.”

The subsidy freeze began to thaw in March 2017 as the department started offering new subsidies through attrition, but it wasn’t until September — after an injection of additional provincial funding — that the city began to process applications “as quickly as we could off the wait-list,” said Jason Sabourin, manager of children’s services.

“We’ve been working diligently.”

A total of 500 applications have been assessed and the children are now waiting for a space to open up at their preferred spot, while subsidy applications for another 500 children between the ages of zero and six will be assessed by the end of 2017, and added to the wait-list of their preferred providers.

Because the provincial money was earmarked to children under six, a further 500 children between the ages of six and 12 can only receive a subsidy when another child currently receiving one leaves the system.

The city will spend $70 million on child-care subsidies in 2017. Families who earn less than $20,000 per year are fully covered; the rest are assessed on a sliding scale, Sabourin said.

The annual subsidy re-assessments — which the department he took over in November 2016 failed to conduct for a period of 29 months between 2014 and 2016 — are underway again.

When a family is no longer eligible for a subsidy, staff must calculate the amount of money that was provided after the person became ineligible. Any overpayments are then recovered. But, as the auditor found, staff were previously treating overpayments as “administrative errors” and had not been recovering the cash. It’s unclear how much went uncollected.

Now, if the parent’s status changes — for example, they get married or move to Quebec — they must notify the department or else the city will collect money.

About $224,000 in overpayments have been collected so far this year, Sabourin said. The money is used to fund more fee subsidies.

