Reevely: Transit fares must keep rising to pay for LRT, even as ridership slips

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Ottawa’s transit fares will increase another 2.5 per cent next year after OC Transpo missed its ridership targets again, because the city needs the money to pay for light rail, transit commission chair Stephen Blais said after the commission approved its 2018 budget.

“Our affordability plan for transit into the long term … over the next 25, 30 years, shows that fares and the transit levy need to go up by two-and-a-half per cent a year,” Blais said. “That’s the long-range policy that’s been approved by city council and that’s the policy that management is working on when they present the transit budget to the transit commission.”

Stephen Blais gets some verbal support from an OC Transpo worker while driving an OC Transpo bus.

To be precise about it, the paying-for-LRT plan city council approved in 2011 said transit fares had to increase with inflation, and figured that 2.5-per-cent was a reasonable estimate for average inflation over 38 years. The plan did not say, “Two-and-a-half per cent, no matter what.”

We’re only six years in and the 2.5-per-cent estimate certainly could still turn out fine. But in those first six years, inflation has been much lower, only about 1.6 per cent. So transit fares have increased faster than wages, certainly faster than social-assistance payments, faster than other costs in people’s lives.

The same long-term plan assumed a steady increase in ridership. Up, up, up, a little bit each year. Instead, practically from the moment city council approved the plan, it’s been down, down, down.

In 2018, OC Transpo will buy $50 million worth of new buses to replace old ones, extend some routes deeper into the city’s suburbs, introduce a one-trip-at-a-time “EquiFare” for poor riders — and raise prices for everyone else. The only change the commission voted to make was to make new Presto cards free for people who qualify for discounted fares due to poverty, waiving the $6 issuing fee.

This was after multiple presenters warned the commission that constant fare hikes are making transit less appealing every year.

Alex Cullen, the former city councillor who once chaired council’s transit committee, pointed out that ridership fell from 103.5 million trips a year in 2011 to 96.5 million trips in 2016, while the population of Ottawa rose from 936,900 to 991,700.

Alex Cullen.

“While a number of factors have been identified as contributing to this ridership decline, fare increases in excess of inflation clearly have had an impact on ridership growth,” he told the commission, in his capacity now as the head of the Federation of Citizens Association’s transportation committee. “Regular adult monthly bus passes in Ottawa have increased by 21 per cent from 2011 to 2017, while inflation increased by 8.4 per cent for the same period.”

Many current councillors think Cullen, now two defeats distant from civic office, should have faded away; he might not be the best person to make this case to them. But the numbers do seem to speak for themselves.

OC Transpo’s general manager John Manconi said there used to be a fairly well understood relationship between prices and ridership. Now, no.

“The whole transit-ridership elasticity world has been turned upside down,” Manconi told the commission. Transit ridership is flat in many Western cities, and even down noticeably in New York.

It’s changing work patterns (that was the explanation OC Transpo hazarded early in the decade, as the federal Conservatives cut the public service).

It’s crush loads on buses that’ll clear once the light-rail system opens (nobody goes any more because it’s too crowded, like Yogi Berra said).

It’s slower bus service during the LRT construction work (“I would not doubt if we have lost some riders as a result of that,” Blais said).

It’s new competition from Uber. It’s the city’s success in encouraging people to walk and bike.

“I think once LRT is up and running next year, once we’re stabilized and some of these headaches are out of our way from an inconvenience perspective, we’ll be in a much better position to understand the reason and what we think it might be in the long term,” Blais said.

It’s probably some of all these things. But if New York City is the sample, the fact its 113-year-old subway system deteriorated past a critical point into crisis a few years ago seems important. System delays have tripled in the last five years and last summer the governor formally declared the city transit authority in a state of emergency. Most of the lines use manual signalling systems that belong in museums, the power keeps going out and sometimes things catch fire.

New York’s problems are interrelated and fixing them will be massively expensive, but the problems are not occult. If New York’s transit gurus blamed Uber and overcrowding for declining transit use and shrugged off the track fires, we’d think something was wrong with them.

Ottawa’s transit overseers, management and councillors alike, have a huge interest in believing that declining ridership has nothing to do with rising fares. Because if they are connected, OC Transpo is in the slow early outer reach of a death spiral and something big is going to have to be done to stop it.

