Oranges for Christmas: Wartime letter to Santa offers glimpse into history

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We’ll probably never know what five-year-old Joseph Pratt found under the tree on Christmas morning in the town of Arnprior in back in 1918. Anyone who shared that moment is gone now. But we do know what he wished for, heart and soul.

“Dear Santa” he wrote. “I hope you and Mrs. Santa did not take the flue. Santa will you please bring me a velocipede a game of soldiers and a toy drum and please bring me some candies and oranges and please bring my brother home from France as he is near 3 years over there now You will find lunch on the dining room table I remain your little friend Joseph Pratt I am 5 years old. Arnprior Ont. Box 770 November 28, 1918”

The little boy who wrote the letter was from my old hometown and my own little girl, Mackenzie, can’t stop talking about it. We read it together over and over.

“Why in the world would he ask Santa for oranges?” my five-year-old wants to know.

“It was amazing to find this. It’s a window into a different time,” says Gail Dontigny who is Mr. Pratt’s grand-niece.

“You could say it has evoked our own ghost of Christmas past.”

A Facebook acquaintance of Mrs. Dontigny found Joseph’s letter to Santa in the archives of the long shuttered Ottawa Journal, and shared it on social media. And now Gail Dontigny wants to share with everyone.

“Little Joseph seems very concerned about Santa and Mrs. Claus having the flu,” says Mrs. Dontigny.

“Was Joseph sick?” my daughter asks when I read his words, and so the letter becomes a bit of a lesson about history and family.

“Maybe,” I tell her. A lot of people were sick back then. That was almost 100 years ago and they didn’t have very good medicine. My dad’s brother and sister died from the flu in that town that year.

Tens of thousands of Canadians died in the epidemic that swept the world.

“Christmas was very different that year,” confirms Prof. Jonathon Vance of the University of Western Ontario.

“Schools were closed. People wore face masks at public gatherings.”

Mackenzie found that very troubling and, though she’s had her flu shot, she touched her shoulder just to reconfirm.

“So they wouldn’t have a lot of parties at Christmas?” she reasoned.

Not back then, Mackenzie. There were no lights on all the houses — no inflatable Santa’s on the lawns-no mountain of presents under a tree.

Five-year-old Joseph Pratt lived in a poor neighbourhood in the little lumber town. In December, his house would be cold. He probably wrote what may have been his first letter to anyone sitting at a wooden table in the flickering glow of a lamp. Joseph wouldn’t get a lot for Christmas.

But the holiday went on for everyone, even for the very poor like the Pratt family in a drafty home on Russell Street in Arnprior; even though hundreds of thousands of Canadians spent 1918 in the meat-grinding trenches of the First World War, including Joseph Pratt’s older brother, James.

That’s the part of the letter that makes Joseph’s grandniece’s eyes well up.

“It breaks your heart. Joseph asks Santa if he can bring home his brother.”

It seems so far away and yet very close for Gail Dontigny, who has lived in Arnprior for most of her 61 years.

“What a different kind of life he must have experienced,” she says.

“Christmas was a very normal day back then,” Prof. Vance goes on to explain.

“The meal would be a very normal meal. No decorations. Maybe a small tree with paper decorations at most.”

“Why would they even bother celebrating?” my daughter wants to know.

Well Mackenzie, Christmas was very different back then, more about church than presents.

“But he asked Santa for toys.”

Yes, he did.

“Santa,” Joseph wrote, “will you please bring me a velocipede a game of soldiers and a toy drum.”

We had to look up the word “velocipede,” and Mackenzie was pleased to discover it’s a bicycle. That kind of gift she could understand even if it’s one of those funny old bikes with the giant wheel on the front and a small one on the back.

Mackenzie is more interested in the “American Girl” doll, but she can grasp why a little boy might want toy soldiers and a drum.

“Getting any toy was a problem in those year,” according to Vance.

“Up until World War One, most of the world’s best toys were made in Germany. The toy soldiers Joseph asked for might be available because all toys were highly militarized during the war. It was a way to prepare children for the military experience that might be expected of them in the future. You could buy military uniforms for boys so they could look like their dads.”

That’s a hard concept for a five-year-old to understand. But then again, so is the notion of asking for oranges for Christmas.

“Santa doesn’t bring fruit. He brings toys,” Mackenzie insists.

Ah but he used to bring fruit. Oranges would be quite a treat for a little boy back then when there was no fresh fruit in stores during the cold Canadian winter. If Santa didn’t bring oranges, parents could order them from the Eaton’s Christmas catalogue. Yes, there were catalogues even then. And oranges were special because you could share the slices, and Christmas is about sharing.

“At his age, the little boy had probably never tasted an orange,” said Vance. “He’d probably only heard of them.”

There’s no one left to explain how Joseph Pratt’s letter to Santa ended up in up in the old Ottawa Journal in the first place back in 1918.

Back then many kids wrote their letters and then burned them in the fireplace with the understanding that the message would be carried in the smoke up the chimney and on to the North Pole. Mackenzie and at least one and a half million Canadian children will be entrusting the post office with their letters this year.

But we do know one thing for certain about the boy who described himself to Santa as “your little friend Joseph Pratt.” At least one wish was granted. His brother, James, returned from the war after he lost an arm before the war ground to a halt. Hundreds of thousands of Canadian brothers and sisters remained on the battlefields forever.

Mackenzie and I both agree it must have been the little boy’s favourite wish since so many brothers never returned at all.

It’s a much happier time for most Canadians. Few of us have to worry about the flu or war. Boys may still ask Santa for soldiers and drums. And a lot of little girls will hope to find dolls under the tree Christmas morning.

But this year I know one little girl who is going to open her stocking, find an orange and think about a little boy who probably woke up very cold back in 1918 thanks to a long lost letter that gave us a peek into a little boy’s heart.


John Beattie is a veteran journalist and former adviser in the government of Ontario.

