Reevely: NCC's starting to flood the canal, Ottawa's best thing

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The National Capital Commission’s crews have begun flooding the Rideau Canal to thicken the ice and smooth it for skating.

We’ve had a couple of crummy skating seasons in a row: the shortest and the second-shortest ever. Maybe this year breaks the pattern, though as always, any speculation on when the first civilians might go out for a twirl is irresponsible.

“It is safety management not to give the date,” says Jean Wolff, the National Capital Commission’s senior spokesman. If the NCC speculated about when it might be safe to skate — as it once did, long ago — people might take that speculation as an official announcement, disregard the red flags and closed gates, head out, and end up in the freezing drink off the Lansdowne bank.

Under full-thickness ice, there’s a metre of water under there even in the shallower parts of the canal near downtown. You’d probably live, though you’d have a heck of a time climbing out in your frigid soaking clothes. At Dow’s Lake, the water depth is more like four metres, about 15 feet.

Thousands flocked to all sites of Winterlude in Ottawa and Gatineau on Feb. 4, 2012, as the sun shone and the Rideau Canal was wide open to skaters and all events.

The canal skateway is the thing everyone outside Ottawa knows is in Ottawa other than Parliament. It is our CN Tower, our Stanley Park. It is Our Thing. Stringy old Finns on speedskates and teenagers on dates and toddlers clutching their sore-backed parents all share it with almost no friction. On average, 20,000 people go out each day the canal is open, according to NCC figures. You cannot go skating ironically, or scornfully, or even really reluctantly; if you’re out there, you’re out there.

The canal is is also officially a deathtrap until the moment everyone is welcomed onto it, its conditions communicated only in code via messages left in the drafts folder of a Gmail account in the name of Douglas Fullerton.

Then-chairman of the NCC, Douglas Fullerton, turned some Ottawans’ habit of clearing their own canal skating patches into an organized mass activity.
©National Capital Commission

We had some chilly days in the fall, enough for the canal to just freeze over a couple of times, but it didn’t last. “The ice never took,” Wolff says.

The rough rule is that the canal needs two weeks of minus-15 nights, and days that remain comfortably below freezing, to get solid enough for skating. One warm day can wreck a lot of progress, which is one reason the canal will be very sensitive to climate change.

Snow is bad, acting as an insulating blanket, and we’ve had quite a bit of that.

The current cold snap is great for the ice, really great, but only on Boxing Day did the people who measure and assess the ice decide that it was safe to send crews out in numbers, drilling holes and pumping water up from below to add inches of new ice at a time, mostly around Dow’s Lake. They started moving east and north toward downtown on Wednesday.

“I could not repeat enough that it’s not because one sees people on the surface that it’s ready. These people know what they’re doing,” Wolff says. There are weak spots, test holes, areas nobody’s yet checked.

The canal has opened before New Year’s Day 24 times in its 47 years, according to NCC records, but that used to be much more common than it’s been lately. It happened 11 years straight from 1971 to 1981, and again for six years in a row in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

Whereas in the past 16 years, it’s only opened before the new year twice. That includes 2013, when the commission laboured mightily to get a 3.2-kilometre stretch around the Fifth Avenue midpoint open on the afternoon of New Year’s Eve.

The latest it opened (by far) was Feb. 2 in the 2001-02 season. I remember vividly because it was among my duties as an intern to fill a daily “Canalwatch” feature in the Citizen that year. The NCC got so tired of my calls that they gave me a secret phone number with a recorded message that gave a detailed internal account of daily skateway-prep operations, the 2002 equivalent of the Fullerton mailbox.

It felt like having my own Engima machine, though it didn’t get the canal open any faster.

Nobody is holding back on the skateway, Wolff swears.

“It is known around the world,” he says. “We are as passionate and impatient, our own people are, about opening. Weather notwithstanding. Because they know people love it. They know there is a magic when people go on it.”

