Urgent! What can I do?


I am facing a very tough problem: my wife has mental disorder. She has been in hospital for more than one month, and even the doctor does not know when she can recover. Although we are permanent residents so that we can enjoy some free service, but the medicine price is very expensive. Since both my wife and I are students, I don't know if I have enough money to pay the bill.
Somebody suggests me that my wife can apply for government aid, but I do not know if such programs exist. If you know such program, would you please tell me the name of the program, and how to apply? Thanks a lot!
最初由 smartlion 发布
I am facing a very tough problem: my wife has mental disorder. She has been in hospital for more than one month, and even the doctor does not know when she can recover. Although we are permanent resid...

What can I help?

I am going to buy a car recently.

I have no chance to say thanks to Wind--he helped me to pick up my husband from airport two month ago, even though he had something wrong with his neck.

I hope I can help others just like Wind helped me before.
I greatly appreciate all of your help. I have asked the social worker in the hospital about financial assistance, and the social worker agreed to help me.
I also checked the Ottawa's website, but I do not know if my wife can apply, because that program is for people with physical diseases, while my wife suffers phychological disorder.
Currently the toughest thing for me is that the delusion in my wife's mind still exists, even she has been in hospital for more than one month. Because she has delusion, my wife has strong hostility towards family members, including her parents, her sisters, and me.
According to the doctor's experience, patients like her can recover within two weeks. So the doctor was also surprised. Additionally, the doctor found that my wife's psychological age is very young (teenager), so she behaves like a child. The doctor asks me to talk with my wife, but each time she can make me very angry within 30 minutes. I know that I can not argue with her, so the only way for me is to leave. Her sister was also too angry to sleep. I have endured such situation for a month. I do not know if I can endure anymore, for I will be mad in this way. Anybody can give me some advise on how to talk with my wife? Thanks.
一定要挺住, 千万别放弃, 因为她是你妻子。
给她唱首她喜欢的歌, 放cd也行, 尤其是你们恋爱时的情歌, 音乐可以使人放松。
讲讲你们相识相恋相爱的故事,唤起她对以前美好时光的回忆。 记得学心理学的时候有这一招。

不知道有没有用, 祝福你的妻子早日康复。渡过这个难关,你们一定会更幸福的。


Best Wishes!