Ontario avoiding the severe flu season overwhelming parts of the U.S.

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While health officials in the U.S. are struggling to cope with their worst flu season in a nearly a decade, Ontario is having a busy, but not overwhelming year so far.

What gives?

“Absolutely, we are having a different flu season than they are south of the border,” says Dr. Michelle Murti, a public health physician at Public Health Ontario.

In Ontario, the H3N2 strain of Influenza A, considered severe, is dominating this year. Across the country, five children have died from influenza, according to the Public Health Agency of Canada.

“We are seeing quite a bit of flu activity,” said Murti, “and it is a reminder that flu is a severe illness.” Flu activity this year in Ontario is similar to 2014-15, where the H3N2 strain of flu was also dominant.

Still, Ontario is not seeing the kind of severe flu season that has raised concerns south of the border, with four times as many people hospitalized in some regions as in 2014-15, many emergency rooms overwhelmed and shortages of anti-viral medicine.

Ontario is, however, seeing an unusual combination of influenza A and B, which don’t usually circulate simultaneously. Usually, the more severe influenza A strain peaks in December and January and influenza B, which is often less severe, peaks in the spring. In the U.S., said Murti, there have been fewer cases of Influenza B.

Not only is flu fairly localized — with different strains dominating in different regions — but a more effective health system can lessen the impact of seasonal influenza.

There have been busy surges in hospitals across Ontario, including in Ottawa. Earlier this year, Queensway Carleton Hospital cancelled elective surgeries for two days when it became overwhelmed with flu and other cases. The Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, meanwhile, is reporting that its emergency department is very busy. It is asking people with less severe complaints to go to their family doctor or clinic instead.

The Ontario government opened surge beds in hospitals ahead of the flu season to help already crowded hospitals cope with an anticipated influx of patients during flu and viral season.

Murti said she expects influenza will peak in Ontario during the next few weeks.

So far, there have been more than 1,500 laboratory confirmed flu cases in the province since the flu season began — more than 400 of them in Ottawa. Laboratory confirmed cases represent only a fraction of actual cases, because most people are not admitted to the hospital with the flu.

Although the majority of confirmed flu cases in the country are among those 65 and older, the most recent FluWatch report from the Public Health Agency of Canada showed pediatric hospitalizations due to flu are above average, compared to the past five years.

Ontario has changed the way it monitors flu this year and is no longer tracking flu-related deaths or hospitalizations.

Recent research has found that this year’s flu vaccine is a poor match — less than 20 per cent — with the circulating strain of Influenza A, but a better match — about 55 per cent — with the circulating B strain.
