精华 有那未高手可以提高一下CAEL写作模式的


Influence? Why is it that the people who influence us most influence us in ways that are not easily quantified? Through her work with abused children, my mother has shown me the heroism of selfless dedication to a worthy cause. By being an upstanding individual, my playwriting teacher in middle school acted as an inspiring male role model at a time when I needed one most. By being approachable and interesting, my World History teacher in my freshman year of high school opened my eyes to the connections between a society's culture and its history and broadened my view of cultures and the world. While these influences mean much to me and have contributed greatly to my development, they came too easily to mind.
The fact that I could sit down and write a list of how these people influenced me suggests that the influence did not alter me in any profound way. These people are all my elders, and perhaps I feel distanced from them. The person whose influence shook me to the deepest level is a person whose influence is nearly impossible to describe. Mike, the best friend I’ve ever had, changed me, and I changed him at one of the most crucial times in our lives: the seventh grade. We developed our personalities, our senses of humor, and our love for girls at the same time and in the same manner. It would cheapen his influence to quantify it; I am what I am because of him; I cannot say that about anybody else.
Mike came to my school in the seventh grade, and we immediately clicked. Before he came, I didn’t feel like an outcast by any means, as I had my friends that I had known since first grade. However, until Mike, I never had anyone my age to identify with completely. Mike made me feel confident in who I was; he reaffirmed my drives and my thoughts and my inspirations. At this awkward stage in our lives, we found uncritical appreciation in each other. We both were obsessed by movies and had a similar sense of humor. We had the same problems and the same thoughts. That was all it took.
Halfway through that same year, Mike and I became inseparable. In fact, our yearbook had a section that lists the names of students and what they were never seen without. Under Mike, it read: “Ted, ” and under Ted: “Mike.” I became a staple at his house and he at mine. We no longer had to ask our parents if it was ok to have a sleepover on weekends, they assumed we would. On weekdays, we usually walked over to his house, which was near school, and hung out there till I had to go home. Our favorite past time on those long afternoons after school was to walk to the nearby food mart and get a bag of chips and two 24 oz. Coca-Colas. Watching a movie, we would sit on his couch with our chips and Coke and talk about our dreams of working together in the movies. Mike wanted to be a director and actor, and I wanted to be an actor and a playwright/screenwriter. It was the perfect combination. We even tried writing a few scripts together.
Of course, as two seventh grade boys, it wasn’t all skips through the park either. We were extremely competitive and would get into brutal fights for seemingly no reason at all. One time, I pulled out a chunk of his hair, but I don’t remember what started the fight. I think that our connection was so intense that we could not have normal emotions toward each other. As friends, we were best friends, but in an argument, we wanted to fight each other to the death. Still, the Wrestlemania days were rare; ordinarily, the intensity of that connection was a good thing. I was pretty shy about girls, and when I did talk about them with guys, I would usually just say a girl was "hot." With Mike, I could really talk about girls and who they were; with Mike, I didn’t have to put on my public “cool” façade but could really say what I felt about a girl.
Then we went to separate high schools. We tried to maintain the friendship, and you might think we would have been able to since we had been so close, but we drifted apart. Our friendship was based on being near each constantly, of growing up in the same town, under the same conditions, with the same hopes, fears, and dreams. Now we still go to movies occasionally and hang out, but it's not the same, and we both know it. I thought Mike and I would be friends forever, and maybe we will be. I mean, we have to make those movies together, right? But the way things look right now, I doubt we will ever reconnect. Our friendship in the seventh grade was magical, and lightning doesn’t strike twice.
My playwriting teacher from middle school left, but I handled it. I learned a great deal from him, and I appreciate him for the subject he taught and the way that he taught it. I will probably miss my parents when I leave for college, but I doubt the separation will pain me deeply since the connection between parents and children will always be there. With Mike, I lost the best friend I ever had, and I lost that forever. Losing that kind of bond cuts deep, and I know it's the type of wound that doesn't heal. It’s the type of wound you just live with.
But just because we're not friends anymore, it doesn't slight the times we had when we were friends. Those times are what influenced me so deeply. No, Mike did not work some lesson into my heart, he worked himself into my heart, and even if I never see the guy again he changed me forever. I think that finding someone who you truly connect with and feel that you were destined to meet, someone who you feel truly understands you and makes you feel special, I think meeting someone like that is one of the most profound experiences you can have.

9/29/2003 7:42:54 PM Andy Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! 告诉我过CAEL的秘诀
9/29/2003 7:43:02 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 那多了......................................
9/29/2003 7:43:10 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 关键是写作和阅读!
9/29/2003 7:43:12 PM Andy Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! 特别是writing
9/29/2003 7:43:18 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 这两个必须拿高分.
9/29/2003 7:43:22 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 写作?
9/29/2003 7:43:43 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 首先,建议你去问问你的WRITING 老师.
9/29/2003 7:43:51 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 她们很厉害!
9/29/2003 7:43:58 PM Andy Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! 上次我阅读50,写作20
9/29/2003 7:44:02 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 写作,必须要结合前面的阅读!
9/29/2003 7:44:57 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 你的写作,要显示,必须要显示,要完全显示,请注意看我下面的话,你必须要显示,你是怎么应用你前面阅读和听力的新知识而解决问题的.
9/29/2003 7:45:28 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 你不能脱离前面的阅读和听力,只靠个人知识写!
9/29/2003 7:45:35 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 而且写作,
9/29/2003 7:45:45 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 分三部分!
9/29/2003 7:45:52 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 第一部分,开头,
9/29/2003 7:45:55 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 这一部分,
9/29/2003 7:46:00 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 第一句话,
9/29/2003 7:46:19 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 说一些跟你话题有关的话,来吸引读者!
9/29/2003 7:46:49 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 第二句话,把你刚吸引读者的话转折到你要谈的话题上!
9/29/2003 7:47:01 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 第三句话,说你全文的中心思想!!!
9/29/2003 7:47:16 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 说中心思想的时候,不要把范围说太大!
9/29/2003 7:47:41 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 比如说,你不能说"你要维护世界和平!"
9/29/2003 7:47:51 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 因为要维护的太多了!
9/29/2003 7:48:07 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 你只能说"你要维护你卧室的和平!!!!!!!!
9/29/2003 7:48:14 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 明白了吗?
9/29/2003 7:48:25 PM Andy Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! 你太强了
9/29/2003 7:48:35 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 第四句话,要说的是,你怎么样维护你卧室的和平!!!
9/29/2003 7:48:57 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 比如说从两个方面:放外面的敌人,和内部的敌人.
9/29/2003 7:49:21 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 让读者知道你这篇文章接下来,将要以怎样的布局来说明你的中心思想!!!
9/29/2003 7:49:28 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 这是你文章的第一部分!!!!
9/29/2003 7:49:31 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 第二部分,
9/29/2003 7:49:38 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 就是文章的主体!!!
9/29/2003 7:49:49 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 主体,你就按照你刚的布局来写.
9/29/2003 7:50:22 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 比如说,你要先从防止外面的敌人写,比如说,你要把窗户钉起来,不让人闯进来!!
9/29/2003 7:50:37 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 接下来,你要写防内部的敌人,
9/29/2003 7:50:59 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 比如说,你枕头下藏了把刀,杀进入你卧室的室友!!!
9/29/2003 7:51:07 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 这大部分写完!
9/29/2003 7:51:12 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 主体就写完了!
9/29/2003 7:51:14 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 注意,
9/29/2003 7:51:54 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 千万不要说"the first, the second, the third, finally,一类的话.
9/29/2003 7:52:02 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 因为几乎每个人都这么说,
9/29/2003 7:52:07 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 老师都看厌倦了!!!
9/29/2003 7:52:29 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 现在全世界,你去看看学术类文章,科学杂志,几乎没有人这么写的.
9/29/2003 7:52:30 PM Andy Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! 那用什么?
9/29/2003 7:52:37 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 你只要条理清晰了,
9/29/2003 7:52:43 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 分段了,就行了.
9/29/2003 7:52:52 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 比如说你可以这样布局.
9/29/2003 7:53:41 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 要想维护和平,我得先从防外边的敌人入手...因为............
9/29/2003 7:53:51 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 写完,然后空一行!!!!!
9/29/2003 7:54:01 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 写第二部分.
9/29/2003 7:54:24 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 外边高枕无忧了,就要防守内部的敌人了....................................
9/29/2003 7:54:26 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 你看,
9/29/2003 7:54:29 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 这样写,
9/29/2003 7:54:34 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 开头很自然,
9/29/2003 7:55:07 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 根本没有说什么"the first,我要防守外面的敌人.the second,我要防守内部的敌人!"
9/29/2003 7:55:09 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 知道了吗?
9/29/2003 7:55:16 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 这个,你明白了吗?
9/29/2003 7:55:32 PM Andy Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! 明白了
9/29/2003 7:55:34 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 然后就是文章的最后一部分!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
9/29/2003 7:55:37 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 结尾!!!!!!!!!!!11
9/29/2003 7:55:40 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 这部分是总结.
9/29/2003 7:56:08 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 你要把的中心思想重新再说一边,不过,可以用不同的方法,以显示你的语言功底!!!
9/29/2003 7:56:26 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 然后产生一些对于将来的展望.
9/29/2003 7:56:57 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 比如说,你可以说,自从你防守好了你的卧室,但是以后也不能掉以轻心.
9/29/2003 7:57:08 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 千万不要引入新的话题再最后,
9/29/2003 7:57:46 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 你千万不能说什么"你除了维护你卧室的和平,还能维护宇宙和平,一类的话!!"维护宇宙和平是另一个话题!!!!
9/29/2003 7:58:00 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 这篇文章就完了.
9/29/2003 7:58:01 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 但是,
9/29/2003 7:58:06 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 还有一些其它说的,
9/29/2003 7:58:08 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 就是,
9/29/2003 7:58:41 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 你最好,一定得引用前面文章里的专家的言论,观点,去帮助你的文章.
9/29/2003 7:58:45 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 一定得引用!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
9/29/2003 7:59:04 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 关于引用的方法,你可以问问你的ESL老师!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
9/29/2003 7:59:07 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 一定要问!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9/29/2003 7:59:11 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 一定要问!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
9/29/2003 7:59:19 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 一定要问!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9/29/2003 7:59:20 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 一定要问!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!一定要问!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9/29/2003 7:59:21 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 一定要问!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9/29/2003 7:59:22 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 一定要问!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9/29/2003 7:59:22 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 一定要问!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9/29/2003 7:59:23 PM Andy Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! 知道了
9/29/2003 7:59:24 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 一定要问!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9/29/2003 7:59:28 PM Andy Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! 谢谢!!!我受益非浅,我感到越来越崇拜你了,我要拜你为师
9/29/2003 7:59:33 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 因为这个很重要!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9/29/2003 7:59:36 PM Andy Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! 师傅好
9/29/2003 7:59:42 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 这都是我190里学的一些东西.
9/29/2003 8:00:10 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 我当初190的老师,就是CAEL的作文改卷人!
9/29/2003 8:01:01 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy citation 和quotation!!!!!!1你一定得问老师!!!
9/29/2003 8:01:20 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 还得给你提醒个东西!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9/29/2003 8:01:26 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 你要注意!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9/29/2003 8:01:37 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 请注意!!!!
9/29/2003 8:01:40 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 请注意!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9/29/2003 8:01:59 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!请注意!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9/29/2003 8:02:20 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 你不会去做笔记去了吧????????????
9/29/2003 8:02:25 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 请注意!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
9/29/2003 8:02:29 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 回来了告诉我!
9/29/2003 8:03:09 PM Andy Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! 接了个电话
9/29/2003 8:03:14 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 哦知道了.
9/29/2003 8:03:14 PM Andy Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! 哈哈哈
9/29/2003 8:03:57 PM Andy Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! 你在ESL上了多久?
9/29/2003 8:04:18 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 我上了一个学期.
9/29/2003 8:04:25 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 我要告诉你,
9/29/2003 8:04:32 PM Andy Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! 啊
9/29/2003 8:04:40 PM Andy Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! 就一学期
9/29/2003 8:04:46 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 文章里尽量不要用I ,YOU, 等词汇.
9/29/2003 8:05:09 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 是啊.就一学期,实际上就一半,后来CAEL过了,我就旷课了.结果没有拿到毕业证书.
9/29/2003 8:05:27 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 文章里千万不能有个人主观思想!!!!!
9/29/2003 8:05:39 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 比如说什么我喜欢维护世界和平啊.
9/29/2003 8:05:48 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 我喜欢钉窗户啊.
9/29/2003 8:05:54 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 我喜欢做木工活啊.
9/29/2003 8:05:56 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 一类的话.
9/29/2003 8:06:01 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 知道了吗?
9/29/2003 8:06:31 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 你也不能说什么,我希望世界都和平啊,我希望没有来侵略我的卧室啊,一类的话.
9/29/2003 8:06:33 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 知道了吗?
9/29/2003 8:06:38 PM Andy Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! 你没上过130---190?
9/29/2003 8:07:00 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 我只上了190.
9/29/2003 8:07:14 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy ESL的时候,我只上了30分班.
9/29/2003 8:07:58 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 我考的那次CAEL考试,我写作得了80,所以成绩被大大提高了,所以我才过了190.
9/29/2003 8:08:21 PM Andy Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! 啊80
9/29/2003 8:08:46 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 是啊.
9/29/2003 8:09:00 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 不过,那次,我阅读只得了50.
9/29/2003 8:09:13 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 要不然,我就直接REGULAR了.
9/29/2003 8:09:34 PM Andy Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! 太强了
9/29/2003 8:09:54 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 不过,我的口语和听力还是很差,差得很..但是,我那次CAEL考试,还是都得了60分.
9/29/2003 8:09:55 PM Andy Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! 我真的是太崇拜你了
9/29/2003 8:11:19 PM Andy Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! 那你现在上课觉得怎么样?
9/29/2003 8:11:51 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 我上课还是很累!!!!!
9/29/2003 8:11:58 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 我的英语还是很差.
9/29/2003 8:12:19 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 我的听力和口语需要进步!!!!!
9/29/2003 8:12:38 PM Andy Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! 你差?那我就什么也不是了
9/29/2003 8:13:13 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 我虽然是号称REGULAR,但是,我感觉,我比加拿大本地学生差得实在是远得,我都看不见他们了.
9/29/2003 8:14:47 PM Andy Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! 我感到现在上课不是很难
9/29/2003 8:15:26 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 那就好.
9/29/2003 8:15:35 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 等一下,我水开了,我得去饭了.
9/29/2003 8:15:49 PM Andy Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! 谢谢你
9/29/2003 8:16:59 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 不用谢!!!
9/29/2003 8:17:09 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 我的水快熬干了.
9/29/2003 8:17:17 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 我添了点,得再等一会才好.
9/29/2003 8:17:29 PM Andy Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! 啊,都是我的错
9/29/2003 8:17:31 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 记得要去问问写作老师!!!!
9/29/2003 8:18:01 PM Andy Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! 来我这吧,我给你作饭吃
9/29/2003 8:18:05 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 我当初就是考试前,写作老师她主动找我谈,因为她知道我要考试,她给我找写作的书,单独教了我很多!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9/29/2003 8:18:09 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 不用了.
9/29/2003 8:18:21 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 所以,一定得找老师,问问她.
9/29/2003 8:18:38 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 问问她有没有时间.让她多教教你!
9/29/2003 8:18:53 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 想想,问了以后,收益很多!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9/29/2003 8:18:57 PM Andy Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! 我现在有个问题
9/29/2003 8:19:00 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 什么问题?
9/29/2003 8:19:02 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 快说!
9/29/2003 8:19:51 PM Andy Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! 我平常作业的作文还行
9/29/2003 8:20:22 PM Andy Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! 但在考试有限的时间了就不行了
9/29/2003 8:20:39 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 无论如何,写作证明的是,你运用刚从阅读和写作学到知识去总结,去解决问题的能力.
9/29/2003 8:20:40 PM Andy Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! 我也不知道为什么?
9/29/2003 8:21:07 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 当初我考的时候,抽了时间写提纲.
9/29/2003 8:21:19 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 大概用了3分钟左右.
9/29/2003 8:21:22 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 只是大概布局.
9/29/2003 8:21:29 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 因为写作老师教我一定要写.
9/29/2003 8:21:38 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 这样写起来很有条理.
9/29/2003 8:21:54 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 到写作的时候,如果写的不和提纲一样也没关系.
9/29/2003 8:22:51 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 每个句子,如果你不能写长句子.就写短句子,写简单的句子.关键是要把意思表达清楚!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!这个很重要!!!
9/29/2003 8:23:31 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 我上190的时候,我文章写得一般,不怎么好.但是,我每句话都不产生歧义,老师都能看懂我意思.所以,我最后还是过了190.
9/29/2003 8:23:58 PM Andy Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! 谢谢你的指导,师傅
9/29/2003 8:24:18 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 但是我就有同学,话说了很多,老师看了不知道他要表达什么意思.就算你自己认为,文章思想内容有多好,但是还是过不了!!!!
9/29/2003 8:24:23 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 要表达清楚.
9/29/2003 8:24:40 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 要表达清楚,就是不要犯语法错误.
9/29/2003 8:24:57 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 所以,一些语法,至少是最简单的.你不能出错.
9/29/2003 8:25:12 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 所以,复习当中,看看语法书,也是十分有必要的.
9/29/2003 8:26:06 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 还有一些关联词语!!!!比如说however, therefore,moreover什么的,要总结!!!估计老师会发的吧.这个一定要运用自如!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9/29/2003 8:26:16 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 好了.关于写作,就这么多了.
9/29/2003 8:26:27 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 因为我写作学习的最多.
9/29/2003 8:26:39 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 你可以再揣摩一下.
9/29/2003 8:26:52 PM Andy Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! 先去看看你的饭
9/29/2003 8:27:28 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 我去下饺子去了!!!!!!哇哈哈哈!!!!!!!!我今天有饺子吃!!!!!!!!!!!!!而且,我还买了酒!!!!!!!!!!!!我半年才喝一次啊!!要知道,我是爱酒不爱烟的人哪!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9/29/2003 8:27:45 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy :D哇哈哈哈!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9/29/2003 8:28:06 PM Andy Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! 吃好,喝好
9/29/2003 8:30:33 PM Charisma!Demagog! take care of EYESIGHT! Andy 放了告诉你了.
你是在CA 上CAEL 的课吗?可以更我联系一下给点相关的INFOR吗?
862 1719
Estelle 教写作很有一套。我150是他教的,写作水平大有提高,最后都拿了A-毕业的

二 三 四 写中间的 随便晃三点

五段 结尾

丢 文才好不好要黑紧啊`

写作最黑重要就是一定要完成作文 ` 就算BODY最后一段只写了开头的句子 打死都要结尾