Reevely: The harder Patrick Brown fights, the more pain for his party

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Temporary Progressive Conservative leader Vic Fedeli kicked Patrick Brown out of the provincial Tory caucus Friday morning. He’d probably rather gag him.

“Shortly after becoming interim leader, I asked Patrick Brown to step aside from the PC caucus,” Fedeli said in a brisk statement. “The legislature is set to resume sitting on Tuesday, Feb. 20, following Family Day. Earlier today, Mr. Brown was notified that he has been removed from the PC caucus effective immediately.”

The opposition party wants to move on from allegations of sexual misconduct levied against its ex-leader, which were aired on CTV News. Brown allegedly propositioned a teenager for oral sex by exposing himself and aggressively pressed himself on a drunk staffer after an event she organized, all in the late 2000s. Four leadership candidates debated Thursday and agreed the Tories badly need party unity ahead of the provincial election due in June.

Fedeli ejected Brown the same way Brown once ejected rogue Kanata MPP Jack MacLaren, Fedeli said. MacLaren sits in an isolated desk in the legislature, a sort of moat separating him from his former caucusmates. We’ll see Tuesday whether Brown has to join MacLaren there or gets a little island of his own.

But a meaningful percentage of Tories believe Brown has been betrayed, including many of the party’s nominated candidates and Haldimand-Norfolk MPP Toby Barrett.

It’s been 3 weeks of talking face-to-face to over 100 constituents in my riding – 100% do not believe the original Greg McGregor account of allegations vs Patrick @brownbarrie . CTV’s credibility continues to tank – they need to walk away from this reporter and his story.

— Toby Barrett (@TobyBarrettHN) February 15, 2018

While the Tories try to pick a new leader and direction, as they have to, they also get to discuss the justice of Patrick Brown’s departure and his defence, again and again, with new tidbits every day. He didn’t know most of his top lieutenants were quitting on him as he gave his defiant news conference; he never technically agreed to resign; he was set up by “political adversaries” (possibly Liberals, possibly traitor Tories); he’s taken a lie-detector test; he’s only beginning to fight back. Brown dared his accusers to call the Barrie police, if they feel so strongly about it.

Non-criminality isn’t the standard for our politicians, which I can’t believe needs saying about once a week now.

If Brown, aged about 30, was trying to pick up teenagers in bars and/or having drunk staffers in his bedroom, he has terrible judgment. Yes, our standards have changed, mostly thanks to the women who started telling their stories about Donald Trump and then Harvey Weinstein and then more and more gross characters, but this wasn’t the Middle Ages: it was around 2008 and Brown was a member of Parliament. “She was legal!” works in court, not on a campaign sign.

Brown’s defenders call this behaviour no big deal, stuff practically every heterosexual adult male has done, like Trump’s line that bragging about all his assaults and philandering was just ordinary locker-room talk. In what locker rooms? Who are you people hanging out with? Stop slandering heterosexual adult males.

Regardless, look at the burning dump Brown left behind in the leader’s office. His interim successor Vic Fedeli almost immediately revealed that despite Brown’s boasts just a couple of weeks earlier that the Tories had 200,000 paid-up members, the actual number was 133,000 and they weren’t done investigating. Scraping out the rot would occupy him full-time, Fedeli said, abandoning his plan to seek the party leadership permanently.

Brown’s friend, party president Rick Dykstra, resigned hours ahead of a sexual-misconduct scandal of his own.

The party overturned two of its own local nominations, including in Ottawa West-Nepean, and a third candidate asked for his own to be vacated. Too much cheating, or plausible allegations thereof, for them to stand. Brown had intervened personally to preserve them.

I commend @VicFedeliMPP , Add in evidence of fraudulent memberships, vote rigging, financial impropriety-lets not forget lying on national TV. The long list of disreputable conduct cannot fit in a tweet or a PC Caucus. #onpoli

— Randy Hillier (@randyhillier) February 16, 2018

Sitting members of the Progressive Conservative caucus have stomped on Brown, none more vocally than Lanark MPP Randy Hillier, who’s used Twitter to accuse Brown of “fraudulent and fake memberships, rigging nominations, PC party paying his condo rent, financial improprieties and using PC party funds as a personal ATM.” All four contestants for the party leadership have repudiated Brown’s bravest political stance, in favour of taxing carbon emissions, ripping the guts out of Brown’s hand-crafted election platform.

It’s an impossible dilemma: Brown is absolutely entitled to defend himself, even to want his leadership spot back, but every minute he spends fighting, he harms his party. Even if we imagine that Brown’s female accusers are lying and he can be vindicated of everything, there’s no repairing the damage the sex accusations exposed. If Brown were reinstalled as leader tomorrow, he’d be king of a ruin.
