School board to debate whether to discipline Ottawa trustee over 'offensive' email

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The Ottawa public school board’s code of conduct, which allows trustees to discipline each other for bad behaviour, gets its first formal test on Tuesday.

The board is set to debate whether to sanction Donna Blackburn for an email she sent to trustee Erica Braunovan. In the email, Blackburn calls Braunovan arrogant and suggests her colleague is putting her “personal political goals” ahead of the interests of the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board.

It’s the fifth complaint made by her fellow trustees against Blackburn since the code of conduct was adopted in April 2016. Two complaints were resolved informally after Blackburn apologized and two were dropped.

Blackburn has said in the past that she believes the code of conduct is being used unfairly to try to silence her. She declined to comment on the latest complaint.

Braunovan filed a formal complaint about the email she received from Blackburn, saying it breached the conduct code’s “civil behaviour” requirement that trustees act with decorum, be respectful and work with others “in a spirit of respect, openness, courtesy and co-operation.”

Blackburn’s email was disrespectful and mean-spirited, and the allegations it contained were “offensive and harmful to her reputation in the community,” Braunovan told an outside investigator hired by the board, according to his report.

Blackburn sent the email a few hours after Braunovan had lost a bid to be the NDP candidate in Ottawa Centre in the upcoming provincial election. “…as I predicted you have once again lost an NDP nomination,” said Blackburn’s email. “I trust now moving forward you will now put the interests of the OCDSB above that of your personal political goals. I have no doubt, given your arrogance you will run yet again for another nomination.

“But for now the OCDSB is stuck with you … ”

Blackburn wrote that she was concerned Braunovan had been endorsed by a person with a “very bad reputation.” The name of the person is blacked out in the investigator’s report.

Blackburn also accused Braunovan of trying to “get mileage” out of “the texts.” That was a reference to text messages Blackburn had sent to Braunovan in 2016 accusing her of “white privilege bulls—t” and of “buying” her children. Braunovan’s two children are adopted from Africa. Braunovan filed a code of conduct complaint about the texts, which was resolved informally after Blackburn apologized.

Blackburn has said she was embarrassed by the publicity over the inflammatory texts, which Braunovan released to the media.

Blackburn’s October email also slagged two other trustees, Shawn Menard and Chris Ellis.

“You have the potential to be a decent trustee,” Blackburn wrote to Braunovan. “This cannot be said for Chris and Shawn. Lost causes there. So moving forward I look forward to working with you in a positive way for the betterment of our students and staff.”

Braunovan replied to Blackburn by email the next day. “Stop,” she wrote. “Cease and desist. I have ignored far too many of these mean-spirited email messages over the course of the last few months.” Braunovan wrote that she was tired of “attempts to bully me,” and warned that any further communication “will be called out as harassment.”

In a reply a few minutes later, Blackburn wrote that she won’t be bullied by Braunovan and others “into silence. There remains a double standard on this Board as to what is acceptable behaviour.”

Blackburn declined to be interviewed by the mediator hired to investigate Braunovan’s complaint, or to comment on his report.

The school board spent between $8,000 and $12,000 for the investigator’s report and legal fees associated with the complaint, plus 40 to 50 hours of staff time, according to a report filed in advance of Tuesday’s meeting.

The board spent another $51,050 on lawyers and consultants to investigate the first four complaints against Blackburn. The board says some of the legal advice was general in nature and will help staff understand how to implement the code of conduct in the future.

In previous interviews, Blackburn called the expenditure a ridiculous waste of money that would better be spent on hiring an educational assistant for a classroom.

At Tuesday’s meeting, trustees will first decide whether Blackburn’s email breaches the code of conduct, and if so, what if any sanction will apply.

The code of conduct allows the board to censure a trustee; to bar a trustee from attending all or part of a meeting of the board or a committee; and to bar a trustee from sitting on one or more committees for as long as six months.

The trustee who is the subject of a complaint can attend the meeting, but can’t participate in the discussion or vote.

Braunovan, in an email to this newspaper, said she “believes all people deserve a safe and harassment-free workplace.” However, in general she is not a fan of “disenfranchising the public by barring elected representatives from meetings,” she said.


1. This is the email sent by trustee Donna Blackburn to her fellow trustee Erica Braunovan that triggered Braunovan to file a code of conduct complaint against Blackburn.


2. Reply sent by trustee Erica Braunovan to her fellow trustee Donna Blackburn.


3 .Blackburn’s reply to fellow trustee Erica Braunovan.
