RE: To Wayne + 抄报
<HTML>Wayne 大哥的儿子都快上大学了?:)可喜可贺。
SENIOR ENGINEER, OTTAWA本地人,81年OU CS 毕业,五页的RESUME。我开玩笑讲,第一页简历你拿我们这个POSITION,加第二页TEAM LEADER,加第三页MANAGER,五页多了:)。。。哥们离开后,想想自己的将来,后背都冷飕飕的。
KAO,去年JOHN ROTH 还在那儿一口一个BRAIN DRAIN,这会儿整个一个看着 RRAIN DIED。 所以我建议您儿子应该去学医或法律,做劳心者的机会多一些。即使不愿做劳心者,也不至于象我这样吃青春饭。白发苍苍的老医生,老律师那叫被人尊重,而同样白发苍苍的老程序员就两说着了。ANYWAY,总之第二代移民应该比我们选择的面更宽,更广,更有出息。。。
下面抄段报,是讲今年NOBEL经济学奖得主之一,STANDFORD‘S MICHAEL SPENCE的研究, Job-market signaling, 很有意思。
...Michael Spence made his reputation with an article in 1973 on job-market signaling. He argued that when employers hire workers, information about those workers' productivity is very costly and they therefore need some indicator of the workers' productivity. One such indicator, he argued, is whether they finished college. Potential employees, knowing this, invest time and money in completing their degree in order to "signal" to employers that they are productive. By Mr. Spence's reasoning, people might learn close to nothing in college, but their investment pays off in a better and higher-paying job...