Small-lot intensification anxiety extends to Orléans as city plans LRT extension

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Intensification on small lots is no longer a concern specific to established urban neighbourhoods. The suburbs are starting to feel the same anxiety with the expansion of LRT.

An application by Danzac Holdings for 840 Balsam Dr., at the corner of Jeanne D’Arc Boulevard in Orléans, was approved by the committee of adjustment last month, even though one resident collected 38 signatures from neighbours opposing the plan, which calls for a second bungalow on the land.

Pat Trites, who has lived around the corner on Fir Street since 1974, said when word spread about construction on the property, she assumed it was small-scale work at the existing house.

“I simply thought they’re building an extension on the bungalow or making major renovations,” Trites said. Then she learned about the plan to construct a second residential building on the corner lot and creating four addresses on the property.

Trites was one of four neighbours who appeared at the committee of adjustment hearing and raised concerns about the application. They expressed unease about the increased density, creation of undersized lots compared to other properties, impact of the streetscape and the massing of the buildings. There are additional concerns about the availability of street parking, Trites said.

Unlike city council’s planning committee, there are no elected politicians who sit on any of the three panels of the committee of adjustment. It’s a quasi-judicial body tasked with making minor planning decisions. Council appoints citizen members to the committee, which is independent from the political and bureaucratic decision-making of city hall. The decision is final, unless it’s appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board.

In the case of 840 Balsam Dr., all but one member of the committee of adjustment panel voted to approve the application. According to the written decision, the dissenting member, Nadine Tischhauser, “found the contextual evidence from the neighbours persuasive in establishing that the impact of the requested minor variances be not minor in nature.” Tischhauser thinks the newly created lots “would be out of character with the neighbourhood,” the decision says.

Sylvain Bourgon, owner of Danzac Holdings, said he plans to rotate the existing bungalow to make room for the second bungalow. Each building will have two rental units. He intends to make sure the development fits with the surrounding properties. The company did a similar conversion on Belcourt Boulevard, also in Orléans.

“I want to keep it looking the same as the neighbourhood. I don’t want to disrupt the neighbourhood,” Bourgon said, adding that he tries to rent units to mature tenants, ones who will take care of the property.

Bourgon said his company has 16 properties in its portfolio. He tries to acquire land in up-and-coming areas. The Balsam Drive property is attractive because it won’t be far from a future LRT stop at Place d’Orléans, Bourgon said.

Orléans Coun. Bob Monette said the suburb will feel development pressure with the Trim Road LRT extension, which is scheduled to be constructed by 2022.

“I’ve always been one to support intensification if it makes sense,” Monette said.

The councillor opposes a larger intensification project proposed for the south side of Place d’Orléans. A 13-storey building at 2020 St. Joseph Blvd. would be a bad place to construct that size of building because of past landslides and a tricky intersection for traffic, he said.

As for the Balsam Drive development, Monette said he understands why residents would be concerned since the property hasn’t changed in decades. He said he would have questioned the application if it was eligible for scrutiny by council’s planning committee.

The city’s legal department advises councillors not to intervene in applications to the committee of adjustment. There’s a potential perceived conflict, since council appoints the committee members.

Anyone had the opportunity to appeal the committee of adjustment’s decision for Balsam Drive, but Trites said an appeal would be expensive, considering that it would require a lawyer.

However, the end of the appeal period shouldn’t stop people from questioning politicians about how planning decisions are happening, Trites said.

“I don’t think community members should just lie dead,” she said.
