Doomed voyage of Jewish refugees and the Canada that rejected them subject of museum exhibit

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The passengers were mothers, fathers, children, babes-in-arms. In a photo taken on the sunlit deck of the ocean liner St. Louis as it sailed towards Havana and safety, their faces are alive with hope.

It was May 1939, just months before the outbreak of the Second World War. The 907 Jewish refugees had lost everything – their property, their money, homes and jobs – since the Nazis took power in Germany in 1933. Now they were losing their country as they fled persecution aboard the St. Louis.

But they were turned away, first by Cuba, then by other countries in the region and the United States.

“Only Canada remained,” historian Irving Abella said at a preview Tuesday of the exhibition St. Louis – Ship of Fate, which runs at the Canadian War Museum from Wednesday until April 29.

A German Jewish refugee family poses on the deck of the St. Louis, en route to Cuba. Pictured on the right are Alice and Hans Meyerstein. The man on the left is unidentified. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of John Meyerstein.

A plea to Ottawa for permission to land was rejected because, as a top immigration official told Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King of Europe’s thousands of desperate Jews, “the line must be drawn somewhere.”

The line now drawn, the St. Louis arrived June 17 in Antwerp – its captain had refused to deliver his passengers to the Nazis – and the refugees dispersed between Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Britain. All but the latter were occupied within the year. More than a quarter of the St. Louis refugees died, most in the Sobibór and Auschwitz death camps.

At Auschwitz, Canada was the name given to the barracks where the gold, valuables and clothing of the condemned were stored, Abella said.

“It represented life and luxury and salvation,” he said. “It was also isolated and unreachable, as was Canada in the 1930s.”

The exhibition produced by the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic uses contemporary photographs, postcards, archival documents, film, interactive elements and a scale-model of the St. Louis to tell the story of its passengers, placing it in the context of both Nazism and international racism.

The passengers on the St. Louis fled months after the night of terror that was Kristallnacht, so named for the broken glass of looted and destroyed Jewish homes, synagogues and businesses. Hundreds died and tens of thousands were imprisoned. Half of Germany’s Jewish population had fled by the war’s outbreak in September 1939.

But Canada’s “restrictive, racist and anti-Semitic” immigration policies tended to exclude Jews and others deemed “undesirable.”

“Canada arguably had the worse record of any western nation in accepting Jews attempting to escape the Nazis,” Abella said. “When it came to Jewish refugees, none is too many was the official policy.”

Portrait of Gustav Schroeder, Captain of the St. Louis. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Herbert and Vera Karliner.

At the time, members of Canada’s tiny Jewish population were “pariahs” with little economic or political power and targeted by restrictions and quotas.

Abella, the co-author of a landmark 1982 study of Canada and Europe’s Jews during the war, first learned with sadness and disbelief about the country’s “pitiful” record of helping the refugees from documents including a telegraph that came to him in a brown paper envelope from a former student who worked at the national archives.

“Today’s Canada is far different and far better,” Abella said, adding the country aims to be generous, open, humane, diverse and multicultural. “When intolerance seems to be the growth industry of the 21st century, Canadian governments seem to have learned the lesson of this shameful period of Canadian history, a period exemplified by the turning away of the St. Louis.”

The story is still a “relatively unknown episode of Canadian history,” said Mark O’Neill, the president and CEO of the war museum and Canadian Museum of History. While the museums’ roles are to educate and commemorate, the exhibit’s impact is even more important, he said.

“For me, the ultimate message is the constant, even urgent need to be ever vigilant against incidents of hatred, of discrimination, and anti-Semitism,” O’Neill said. “In a world with online extremism, social media rife with hate speech and websites, blogs and forums that convey revisionist propaganda with the air of historical authority, we must have the determination and courage to present the facts, the truth, through personal experiences, through the voices and the faces of the men and the women and the children who survived, those who were murdered and those who are victims today.”

May 13: The St. Louis leaves Hamburg with more than 900 Jewish refugees. This Hamburg-America Line postcard depicts the St. Louis leaving her home port. Maritime Museum of the Atlantic.

Events that tie in with the exhibit include:

* A display in the war museum’s lobby created by the Canadian Jewish Experience for the nation’s sesquicentennial, describing 250 years of Jewish contributions to Canadian society.

* A lecture by Diane Afoumado of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum presenting the story of the St. Louis in archival documents, photographs and artifacts on April 12. Admission is free but registration is required.

* A video testimonial and question-and-answer session with Holocaust survivor David Moskovic and Carleton University professor Jennifer Evans on the “enduring importance” of eyewitness accounts. Admission is free but registration is required.

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