赵 赵济 知名会员 注册 2002-03-10 消息 155 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 176 2003-10-10 #1 Hi, 这个周末想找个地方欣赏一下加拿大美丽的枫叶,但又觉着去魁北克城或阿岗昆公园太远。请有经验者提供点较近的(当天来回)赏枫路线。谢谢! 另外,我从本论坛看到两处:沿着圣罗伦斯河的枫林大道,和赫尔市郊卡蒂诺公园, 不知道如何?如果值得去的话,还请各位指点详细路线。 盼望大家指教, 谢谢!
Hi, 这个周末想找个地方欣赏一下加拿大美丽的枫叶,但又觉着去魁北克城或阿岗昆公园太远。请有经验者提供点较近的(当天来回)赏枫路线。谢谢! 另外,我从本论坛看到两处:沿着圣罗伦斯河的枫林大道,和赫尔市郊卡蒂诺公园, 不知道如何?如果值得去的话,还请各位指点详细路线。 盼望大家指教, 谢谢!
S Sophia 知名会员 注册 2002-07-04 消息 430 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 126 2003-10-10 #2 Gatineau park http://www.capcan.ca/gatineau/index_e.asp
A ASICS 知名会员 注册 2003-06-25 消息 185 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 126 2003-10-11 #3 Gatineau is a great place to see maple leaf. It was fabulous last year, extremely beautiful. This year, it may not be as beautiful as last year. I went there last week, the trees along the road had changed the color.
Gatineau is a great place to see maple leaf. It was fabulous last year, extremely beautiful. This year, it may not be as beautiful as last year. I went there last week, the trees along the road had changed the color.
S snow1 新手上路 注册 2003-01-03 消息 360 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-10-11 #6 last day is Oct.19, earlier is better..... 最初由 一个我 发布 可不可以说说怎么走,是不是416和417交接附近? 点击展开... First you need come to Ottawa, then go to Hull side and ask people, it is very easy to find.
last day is Oct.19, earlier is better..... 最初由 一个我 发布 可不可以说说怎么走,是不是416和417交接附近? 点击展开... First you need come to Ottawa, then go to Hull side and ask people, it is very easy to find.
赵 赵济 知名会员 注册 2002-03-10 消息 155 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 176 2003-10-11 #7 Thanks All, Is it the right way to follow the Gatineau Parkway?
G GoodWork 新手上路 注册 2003-06-17 消息 67 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-10-11 #9 Gatineau 的红叶红了多少了? thanks 最初由 Hamlet 发布 刚从Gatineau Parkway会来, 景色很不错 点击展开...