Diner, city win the great patio war of Welly West

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The City of Ottawa has thwarted a legal offensive on a restaurant patio in Wellington West.

In a decision released Thursday, the Ontario Municipal Board dismissed an appeal of a city planning decision to allow an outdoor seating area at the Wellington Diner at 1385 Wellington St. W.

City council in summer 2017 approved the necessary zoning amendments to allow a 20-square-metre patio at the restaurant, which already has the outdoor amenity space for a patio, but until the council decision, didn’t have permission under the bylaw to actually use it. The diner needed relief from a bylaw that says patios need to be 30 metres from a residential area.

Carolyn Kearney, whose Western Avenue home is beside the diner, challenged council’s decision at the OMB on the basis of possible noise impacts and contradictions with planning policies. The appeal forced the city’s legal department to defend council’s decision to allow the patio.

Richard Makuch, the OMB vice-chair who presided over the hearing last month, wrote in his decision that the “board is loathe to interfere with council’s decision,” considering the city planning department recommended the zoning amendment and the proposal was subject to public consultation. The OMB concluded that it’s satisfied the patio will “fit well” on the street corner and that a screen on the northern side of the patio will be an adequate measure to reduce noise and light.

This patio saga has lasted more than 20 years.

The restaurant tried for a patio in 1997 but was rejected by the committee of adjustment and OMB. The committee of adjustment denied another application in 2009, even though the city’s planning department was fine with a patio. By that time, Wellington Street West had changed to a “traditional mainstreet” designation in the city’s official plan.

Wellington Street West has “matured into a traditional mainstreet” with a variety of activities along the corridor, the OMB decision says.

“It is clearly not the same neighbourhood that existed previously,” Makuch writes in his decision.

The OMB decision permits the patio until Nov. 1, 2019.

(The 2017 council decision allowed the patio until November 2018, following which staff would assess the operations, but the restaurant has lost time tied up in the OMB appeal).

It’s a big win for Jeff Frost, the owner of the diner since February 2015, who thanked the mayor’s office and customers for supporting his patio application.

Frost said he didn’t think the appeal was really about noise impacts.

“It seemed much, much more than a patio application,” Frost said. “It was about control and dominance of a direction in which our Ottawa would and should go. Thankfully, we all won.”

There was no timeline for when the patio would serve its first customers.


