Reevely: Surprised by unsurprising news about Ontario's finances, Ford promises major...

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Professing shock at the provincial auditor’s condemnation of how the Liberals have kept Ontario’s books, Progressive Conservative leader Doug Ford is promising a major inquiry into provincial finances if he wins the June election.

“We will initiate a full, independent, end-to-end commission of inquiry that builds on and includes the work of the auditor general (and) includes the independent participation of outside auditors and investigators,” Ford said in a Toronto news conference Thursday. The commission “will be mandated to investigate and recommend options for how to restore integrity in the government of Ontario’s financial reporting.”

Auditor general Bonnie Lysyk reported this week that the province is running an $11.7-billion deficit — not the $6.7-billion deficit the Liberals claim.

This is simultaneously (a) true, (b) bad and (c) known to anyone who was paying attention to Ontario politics before a few weeks ago.

Especially during campaigns, political leaders all try to appeal to ordinary decent people who don’t pay a ton of attention to politics but study up a bit when an election is coming. It’s one thing for politicians to play to “low-information voters” — that’s democracy. They aren’t supposed to be low-information voters.

“(Lysyk) uncovered that in their desperation, the Wynne Liberals have cooked the books. We thought they were cooking the books and she just confirmed that they have been cooking the books on the taxpayers of this province,” Ford said.

No. What Lysyk did Wednesday, in a review she’s required to file on the provincial finances before an election, was re-state things she’s been saying for a long time: The Liberals shouldn’t treat several billion dollars in two public pension funds as if the government owns them; and the Liberals’ “Fair Hydro Plan” uses Ontario Power Generation to borrow a bunch of money to lower consumer electricity bills for a few years without putting the debt on the government’s own books.

Doing both of these things makes the Ontario government’s budget look $5 billion better than Lysyk says it is. Lysyk is the final authority on the books and what she says goes, or ought to. The Liberals are defying her. That is bad. But also not newly discovered.

Bonnie Lysyk, Ontario’s auditor general.

Lysyk complained publicly in 2016 about how the government was treating the pension money, forcing the Liberals to release an annual financial report without a routine auditor’s signoff because Lysyk refused to give it.

The auditor has renewed her complaint repeatedly. The legislature’s separate financial accountability office has echoed it. The opposition parties have pounded the Liberals in the legislature on it. Tory finance critic Vic Fedeli has done so in question period almost every day for weeks at a time

Then last fall, Lysyk issued a 50-page special report on the financial jiggery-pokery in the Fair Hydro Plan. Here’s the title of Chapter 1: “Government Legislated an Accounting/Financing Structure to Improperly Avoid Showing a Deficit and an Increase in Net Debt.” That’s unwieldy wording but it’s hard to miss the message.

What the Liberals have done is self-serving but it’s all been executed in the open. Figuring out how to fix it does not require a team of forensic accountants. You just move those two items into a different section of the spreadsheet.

Of course, if you’re intending to balance the provincial budget, that deepens the hole quite a bit and you have to find the $5 billion somewhere. In their now-inoperative People’s Guarantee, the Tories used both of the Liberals’ tricks. The New Democrats’ platform does the same thing. Which isn’t great if behaving this way is one of the largest financial scandals in Canadian history.

“We are putting out a costed plan,” Ford said. (He’d once promised a blueprint for his government with financial figures attached, then backtracked, and now he’s tracked forward again.) “We’re going to do this in a modest, a responsible fashion. We never knew there was an additional $5 billion (to find).”

Again, that is false. Maybe Ford didn’t know. His party definitely did. Fedeli, for one, predicted the $5-billion figure before the auditor announced it because he can read and add two numbers together.

The @OntarioAuditor will release her pre-election report tomorrow. Here is the Conclusion of my new Focus on Finance 5 book, at the printers now and due out May 3rd …

— Victor Fedeli (@VictorFedeli) April 24, 2018

Ford said his party does intend to balance the budget if he becomes premier but not in its first year in power. That will be hard, and not something an inquiry can easily help with. Re-committing to generally accepting accounting principles is ultimately simple; deciding what taxes to raise or what budgets to cut is what we have politicians for.

Dalton McGuinty had economist Don Drummond oversee a detailed report on government efficiencies and reforms in 2012. Just one item — pay doctors less for procedures that technology has made easier — meant a war between the health ministry and the Ontario Medical Association that’s still being fought six years later. Another bit of advice was to cancel full-day kindergarten, a signature McGuinty policy. Hahahano, the Liberals said.

Fixing the accounting is simple. Reforming the government the accounting describes will be hard. Making a fuss about the simple problem distracts from the much tougher one.
