City is preparing for potential flooding along the Ottawa River

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The City of Ottawa continues to monitor water levels along the Ottawa River basin. It is anticipated that the Ottawa River will continue to rise over the next few days. This could result in flooding in some low-lying areas.

The City of Ottawa will open Flood Information Centres in four communities along the Ottawa River tomorrow in anticipation of potential minor flooding over the next few days. Residents with questions or concerns about flooding in their communities can visit these information centres between noon and 8 pm daily beginning Thursday, May 3.

Locations for the information centres are as follows:

  • Constance and Buckham’s Bay Community Centre
    262 Len Purcell Drive
  • Fitzroy Harbour Community Centre
    100 Clifford Campbell Street
  • Ron Kolbus Lakeside Centre
    102 Greenview Avenue
  • R.J Kennedy Community Centre
    1115 Dunning Road

The City is prepared to provide sand and sandbags if necessary. Sand and sandbags have been deployed to various locations throughout the City, additional locations were added today as a precaution. If residents require sand and sandbags, they can collect material at any of the following locations:

  • Willola Beach Road and Moorhead Drive (available Thursday, May 3)
  • Constance and Buckham’s Bay Community Centre, 262 Len Purcell Drive
  • 4127 John Shaw Road
  • 2941 March Road
  • Rowatt Street, at the river
  • Jamieson Street, at the river

The City continues to monitor water levels in communities along the Ottawa River basin and is working with partners at Rideau Valley Conservation Authority, the South Nation Conservation Authority, the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority, the Ottawa River Regulation Planning Board and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry.

For more flood information and for updates on the City’s preparation and response, visit

For more information on City programs and services, visit or call 3-1-1 (TTY: 613-580-2401). You can also connect with us through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
