Former soldier accused of multiple knifepoint rapes of Ottawa woman; 'It was terrifying,'...

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He had just raped her, she said, and was now threatening her at knifepoint in her own bedroom, telling her she’d regret it if she told anyone.

Then James Stewart, an army corporal at the time, allegedly took the blade and pressed it against her naked body, explaining how easy it would be to disfigure her so that no other man would want her.

He threatened to slit her dog’s throat in front of her, he said he’d kill her mom and her friend’s children, and said he’d cut off her breasts and cauterize the wounds with a frying pan.

This is the horrific account of an Ottawa woman who testified against Stewart, 38, on Monday at his trial for sexual assault with a weapon and uttering threats.

“It was terrifying,” the woman, in tears, told court.

Stewart wasn’t a stranger. Before the alleged attack, the woman had known him for roughly a year. A publication ban shields the woman’s identity.

In testimony that silenced the court, the woman testified that Stewart begged her to share a bed with him in June 2016. Stewart told her he had cancer, she said, and billed it as a “dying man’s request” and the least she could do was show him “compassion.”

“I ended up on the bed. He was on top of me, pulling at my hair. He said if I wanted to know what abuse was, he was going to show me,” she testified.

He strangled her and punched her in the face, and said her rejection meant that, “You are spitting in God’s face because he was God’s gift to me.

“I was crying … I was absolutely terrified. He had both hands on my neck and I couldn’t breathe.”

She said she complied with his demands to undress out of fear.

“I was afraid if I didn’t, it would get worse. He told me to get back on the bed and he raped me,” she recounted in testimony halted by emotion.

Under examination in chief, Assistant Crown Attorney Stephen Donoghue asked if she consented.

“I didn’t want to do it. I was crying. I just wanted it to stop,” she testified.

The woman told court that she was raped a second time that same day. At knifepoint, she was told to act like she loved him.

“He told me to pretend I loved him, and to pretend I was enjoying it,” she testified under cross-examination by Stewart’s defence lawyer Michael Spratt.

“Did you kiss him?” Spratt asked.

“Yes … I was terrified. I was bawling my eyes out. It was very clear I was not interested.

“Did you say no while he was having sex with you?” Spratt pressed.

“I don’t remember,” she replied.

After the second alleged rape, the woman agreed to have breakfast with Stewart, and played a game of cribbage with him minutes after the alleged attack.

“I believed he would make good on his threats … I did what I was told,” the woman told court.

Spratt tried to establish that the woman’s memory was fuzzy and that the sex was actually consensual.

The rape complainant held her ground and admitted that the little details are cloudy, but the bigger details are “very clear.”

The woman went to work after the alleged attack and was found on the floor in the bathroom by a colleague. She was found in the fetal position, rocking back and forth, court heard.

She was sobbing and needed to be carried out of the bathroom.

“She was trembling,” the co-worker testified on Monday.

The Crown also filed photographs of the alleged victim’s neck showing a bloody scrape.

Stewart was a geomatics technician in the army. He joined the military in January 2009. He was released from the military in July 2017, about a year after the woman told police that he had raped her at knifepoint.

Stewart has pleaded not guilty and none of the allegations has been proven in court.

The trial continues.
