Meanwhile, back at the department that gave us Phoenix Pay …

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There was something rather odd about the sequence of Auditor General Michael Ferguson’s two recent reports on the botched rollout of Phoenix, the federal government’s two-year-old pay system.

Last November, Ferguson examined how Public Services and Procurement Canada — the department in charge of the Phoenix project — was trying to resolve tens of thousands of pay issues that erupted in 2016. Not well, he concluded.

With his latest report, published Tuesday, Ferguson and his team went back many years further to study the circumstances that led to the flawed rollout. They talked about the small group of Public Services managers who failed to consult widely before implementing Phoenix, who ignored important risks and stripped away key software features in the name of cost saving. The reaction to their report in some quarters was, well, we knew all this.


None of this detracts from Ferguson’s central message that government managers require much better training and oversight, not to mention a culture that encourages real debate between managers and the employees and contractors actually developing the pay system.

But while Ferguson was preparing his second report, the world has moved on. Public Services has been moving to correct some of the damage and may or may not be on the right track. Public Services and Treasury Board are co-ordinating a vastly expanded effort to try to shrink a queue of more than 600,000 pay transactions, most of it backlog. And multiple groups of ministers, deputy ministers and more junior bureaucrats are all providing oversight.

Given that the backlog has shrunk less than five per cent in the past few months, it’s not clear the heightened oversight is particularly effective, but at least things are moving in the right direction.

Public Services is once again working with private contractors to identify how to improve pay processing — ranging from creating special teams to deal with specific departments to conducting pilot programs. The government is claiming some success with these efforts but, again, these are so far limited in scope and are not yet having a big impact on the mountain of pay transactions awaiting disposition.

The department intends this year and next to more fully automate the Phoenix system — and to make sure it’s integrated with human resources systems across government. This, of course, was one of the original goals of the $310-million Phoenix project (which has since ballooned to nearly $1 billion including costs allocated for extra staff for years to come). But many automated features were killed or delayed in the name of economy while Phoenix’s senior managers paid little attention to the concerns of officials from other federal departments.

In short, Public Services is trying painstakingly to reclaim miles of ground lost because of (in Ferguson’s telling of it) hubris and incompetence. It may be many months before we know if their new plan will work.
