Things in US that I don't like


1. Health care is not secure, lose your job, you lose your health care.
2. Even after paying 2000 ~ 3000 premium, you still must shell out $75 for a ER visit, and $20 to see a doctor or fill a prescription. Those costs are increasing at 15% per year.
3. Maternity leave is only 6 weeks, compare with Canada's 52 weeks.
4. Drugs, both presciption and non, are far more expensive.
5. Social safety net and elder care are inadequate. Forget about early retirement, you must work right up to 65 if you are a middle class and want a medicare.
6. In many cities, you have to "waste" many dollars to buy a bad house in a good zone so your kids can go to an acceptable school.

American paying about the same amount of tax as Canadian (if you include deficit, which is tax deferred), but get far less in return in terms of entitlement program. Who do you think is paying for all those bombs in Iraq ?

So much for social safety net, now other:

1. Big cities in US are run-down, dirty and dangerous at night. American refuse to pay tax to fix their cities,and American choose a different approach towards unemployed poor. Instead of paying them to stay home watching Televsion as Canada does, America spent the money build prison for them.
2. US has too many fanatic Christian fundamentalist, many of their view points make me uncomfortable.
3. Warren Buffet said this and I agree: it's a matter of when, not if, a suitcase nuclear bomb will be denotated in LA, NY, DC, or Chicago. Just pray it didn't happen near you. American takes too many responsibilities in the world, and they must also bear the conseqences.

That said, I still believe US is a better place for you, if at the moment $ is the number 1 priority in your life.
Also, don't forget the people over there, they are the rudest, the most uneducated people in the world, especially in some big cities!
Also, don't forget the people over there, they are the rudest, the most uneducated people in the world, especially in some big cities!