All that glitters is not gold: Buyers see uptick in fake gold scams

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When it comes to things you probably shouldn’t purchase on the street, precious gold jewelry places pretty high on the list.

And yet, some gold buyers say there’s been an uptick in the number of Ottawans targeted by scammers selling fake gold for a quick buck.

“It’s definitely spiking now,” said Erik Ramsey, owner of the Swap N’ Shop pawnshop on Merivale Road. “I’ve been seeing it come through the store for the past year or two — but nothing like the past few months.”

The gold scam is pretty simple: Someone on the street claims to have some gold (often in the form of a necklace, ring, or other jewelry) and needs cash, pronto. The mark buys the gold, but it’s not until taking it to get appraised does it becomes clear it’s either gold of far lower quality than the mark was told or, more commonly, it isn’t gold at all.

Erik Ramsey, the manager at Swap N Shop on Merivale, says there’s been a big spike in fake gold flooding into their store and tells people to beware of scammers selling jewelry in parking lots and the like.

Based on the reports he’s heard, Ramsey said many people are being hit with a similar scam.

“The most common one is they approach you either in a gas station parking lot, or even on the street, (and) they spin you some story about how they have no gas in their car and need to get to the airport.”

He said the scam is so common, he rarely even needs to test the gold — he can just look at it.

“All the (fake) pieces look the same,” he said. “It looks like they took the same mould and made hundreds of these.”

Most people, he said, get taken for a couple of hundred dollars, but he’s seen some people fork over nearly $1,000 for this fake gold.

The most recent spike prompted Ramsey to put out a warning to the public.

“DON’T BUY GOLD ON THE STREET!!!” reads a notice he posted to social media. “We have seen HUNDREDS of people over the past year in our shop alone … If the people were so badly in need of money they could easily walk into ANY gold buyer in the city and receive hundreds if not thousands of dollars on the spot.”

A senior precious metals purchaser at Ottawa Gold Buyers in the Westgate Shopping Centre, who did not want his name published, said that anecdotally he has heard reports of gold fraud happening across the city.

“It could be in South Keys one day, the east end one day,” he said. “It’s all over the place.”

Despite Ramsey’s warnings, police said they don’t get many calls about gold fraud, if any at all.

“I have not seen any (reports of gold scams) in the three years I’ve been working in fraud,” said acting Ottawa police Staff Sgt. Jamie Ritchie.

Ritchie said it’s not a case of a lack of gold fraud in the city — “there’s always been counterfeit gold going around,” he said — but it’s a small potatoes crime that can be hard to prosecute because of its inherent ambiguity. Gold is also a colour, so, legally, the phrase “gold necklace,” for instance, could mean a necklace made of gold — or a necklace that just happens to be gold-coloured.

“In order to charge someone with that,” said Ritchie, “you’d need some really good evidence that they were actually holding it out to be gold (the precious metal).”

The Ottawa Gold Buyer said that besides tugging on people’s heartstrings — often with stories about how they need money to feed their families or to buy a bit of gas for their car — scammers take advantage of the fact that most people can’t tell the difference between gold the metal, and gold the colour. They see something that looks gold — maybe it has an 18-karat stamp on it — and they’re sold.

“Most of our clients don’t even know what real gold is,” Ritchie said. “So that’s why they have to come in to have us assess it.”

The gold buyer this newspaper spoke to suggested the uptick in reports of gold fraud might be the work of a small group of people, but without any evidence to back that up (nor any police investigations ongoing), it’s hard to say for sure. Most people don’t go to the police when they realize the “gold” they’re holding isn’t what they thought it was.

“Why would you call (the police) just to tell them you got had?” asked Ramsey.

But gold buyers and police agree on one thing: The defence against a gold scam is to follow fairly simple advice: “If something is too good to be true, it usually is.”
