'They were shocked they had to pay': Councillor wants seniors homes to pay when elevators...

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An Ottawa councillor wants seniors homes to pay to transport residents up and down stairs when their elevators break down.

Coun. Rick Chiarelli, who represents College Ward, said he heard several complaints about Thorncliffe Place retirement residence, including concerns from a family member that residents were forced to pay to get carried downstairs in some cases after its only elevator broke.

“They were shocked they had to pay $85,” he said. “They thought the amount was too much and it never occurred to them that they would be charged.”

The elevator at the three-storey Bells Corners residence, which is in Chiarelli’s ward, has been out of commission since April 9, leaving many residents virtually stranded on their floors.

The residence delivers meals and snacks to the upper floors, for residents who can no longer get down to the dining room. It has also set up entertainment and activities on individual floors so people can participate.

The home asked residents to cancel any appointments they could for five weeks — but the repair has now taken more than nine weeks. Administrators say they expect the lengthy repair to be finished this week, with inspectors coming on Friday.

The home offered to transport residents down from their rooms and back up for Mother’s Day and has offered the service for important and urgent matters, home administrators say. But for other trips up and down, residents have had to hire a patient transport service, which charges $85 each way.

The at-capacity residence consists of 68 units. About 35 residents are able to get up and down the stairs on their own, according to administrators.

Chiarelli said he would like to take some action preventing similar situations in the future, if the city has the authority to do so. He has asked Ottawa’s legal department to determine whether the city has jurisdiction over the matter. If it does, he says, he will introduce a bylaw insuring the homes, and not individual residents, pay to move people up and down stairs when elevators aren’t working.

Chiarelli said the city issued a work order at the nursing home in April. They were told by the nursing home that the delay was because parts had to be custom-made.

The home told city bylaw officials that they expected it to be fixed by June 20. On Tuesday, a staff person said inspectors were coming on Friday to look at repairs before it could reopen.

Chiarelli also said at one point, there was a “verbal altercation” between city bylaw inspectors and staff at the residence, with staff complaining bylaw inspectors were being “verbally abusive.” Chiarelli said bylaw staff were prodding the home to speed up work on the elevators, but accepted that part of the issue was parts were not available.

Chiarelli called it “very surprising and odd” that some residents were having to pay a patient transfer service to be taken up and down stairs during the lengthy elevator repair.

Earlier, Thorncliffe administrators told this newspaper they had to have parts specially made in Germany before work could begin on the elevator, which was the reason it had taken so long.

Those who work in the elevator business said 10 to 12 weeks to get parts for elevator repairs is not unusual. The bigger problem, say elevator industry officials, is that buildings that house people who are unable to use stairs are allowed to have only one elevator, which leaves people stranded when something goes wrong.

“We feel that no building in Ontario or Canada in this day and age should have less than two elevators,” said Christian von Donat, spokesperson for the National Elevator Escalator Association. “There is always a chance that if one is down, you will not be able to leave your building. You are setting yourself up to have an issue in the future.”

Ontario has recently passed legislation aimed at ensuring elevators are more reliable in the province. The legislation is meant to address growing concerns about people being trapped in elevators. In 2015, there were nearly 4,500 cases of people being trapped in elevators in the province. Ottawa had 314 cases of people being trapped in elevators in 2014. The new bill is expected to press building owners to maintain and repair elevators in a timely fashion.

