Car dealership proposal at busy south-end intersection fumes homeowners

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An auto dealer wants to lock down a quadrant of one of the busiest intersections in Ottawa, but nearby residents and the local councillor are hoping to put the brakes on a plan that would build at least one car dealership on a field near the Rideau River.

Anyone who regularly drives on Prince of Wales Drive would know the land well, mostly for its lack of development on what could be considered a gateway to urban Ottawa. The 7.95-acre property at 2175 Prince of Wales Dr., near the southeast corner of Hunt Club Road, is along a commuter straightaway that’s packed each day with rush-hour traffic.

In other words, the perfect spot for an auto company looking to market its latest vehicles.

Myers Automotive Group likes the idea of a dealership there.

The Glens Community Association hates it.

Agnes Warda, president of the community association, said residents are mostly concerned about increased traffic and the potential for contaminating the Rideau River.

“Let’s put something that would add value to this particular area,” Warda said. “We have so many troubles getting out of our community, we don’t need an extra source of traffic.”


A Google Earth map of 2175 Prince of Wales Dr., outlined in purple, included in a development application for the property submitted to the city by planning consultant Novatech.

A planning application calls for the land to be zoned as industrial with a list of 47 permitted uses, including an auto dealership, although it doesn’t specifically call for a dealership. Myers, however, has indicated its interest in building a dealership on the land.

According to an addendum to the application, 31 per cent of the property’s area would remain undeveloped, particularly along the river. Stormwater would be contained and directed to the treatment facility. Oil and lubricants would stay in the building and be managed according to provincial regulations, the document says.

Jack Stirling, a development consultant working with Myers, said the company continues to talk with the city on issues of traffic, property access, building orientation, lighting and parking.

“Myers is confident all these matters can be resolved through the rezoning/site plan approval process,” Stirling said in an email. “As you know, automotive sales is undergoing dramatic changes, ranging from electric and autonomous vehicles, less servicing requirements and longer servicing intervals. As well, the design and architecture of dealerships continue to evolve, with a higher standard of architecture and street presence.”

Myers envisions one dealership, with the potential of a second dealership on the property, Stirling said.

The stretch of land which corners Prince of Wales and Hunt Club and backs onto the Rideau River.

It’s a tricky property for development since it’s in the “airport operating influence zone” where new residential development and other noise-sensitive land uses are restricted. Accessing the property from the southbound lanes of Prince of Wales Drive could be difficult because of the traffic, possibly requiring a rule that only right turns onto the property and right turns out of the property are allowed.

Plus, there are sensitivities that come with abutting a heritage river. The National Capital Commission and Parks Canada could be involved in the approval process. Ecology Ottawa has raised concerns about the proposal when it comes to protecting the Rideau River and the greenery around it.

Another hurdle is the city’s development vision for important waterways. The official plan calls for the protection of the natural environment around the Rideau River and specifically guards against land uses requiring outside storage and large paved areas.

Knoxdale-Merivale Coun. Keith Egli is siding with constituents who oppose a car dealership for the land.

“At first blush, it just doesn’t smell right,” Egli said.

A planning application for the land has been kicking around for almost 10 years. The Dilawri Auto Group previously looked at building a car dealership on the land but abandoned the plan, Egli said. The Myers proposal came up about a year ago.

A recent public meeting where people discussed the Myers proposal attracted more than 100 people, Egli said.

The city’s planning department is reviewing the proposal and hasn’t made a decision.

“It’s a difficult piece of property to market. I understand that,” Egli said, but residents have told him that the one development they’re strongly against is a car dealership.

Egli said he asked that a site plan proposal be filed alongside the rezoning application so the public can understand how a car dealership would be positioned on the property and how vehicles would enter and leave the business. Usually site plans come after council approves a rezoning application.

There is no timeline yet for the application to be considered by the planning committee and council.

Nicole Deschesne’s house on Waterbend Lane is one of the closest to the site. She has lived on the quiet dead-end street for 16 years and accepts that the landowner has the right to develop the huge grassy property across from her house.

According to Deschesne, Myers seems more “tenacious” about building a car dealership than Dilawri was.

“There’s a lot we’d be willing to support,” Deschesne said. “A car dealership is one of the worst choices.”
