油漆桶分两种,一种是 oil base, 要专门回收,每年春天 city 有免费回收的 event, 或者送到指定的地方(收费)。另一种是 Water base, 把剩余油漆倒在纸板上凉干,这个随垃圾走,油漆桶和盖分开,随蓝桶回收,或者送到 home depot 等地方免费回收。
Disposal of household hazardous waste
What is household hazardous waste?
If it’s corrosive, flammable or poisonous it’s hazardous waste. These types of products contaminate water and landfills and should never be poured down the drain or put out with your regular garbage.
To help you dispose of these products safely, the City of Ottawa operates several one-day Household Hazardous Waste depots for City of Ottawa residents only.
Liquid or hazardous waste from industrial, commercial and institutional sources is not accepted. The one-day Household Hazardous Waste Depots are for residential household waste only.
Drop off the following at household hazardous waste depots include:
*maximum 100 litres by volume
- Aerosol containers
- Propane cylinders
- Disinfectants
- Fluorescent bulbs/tubes
- Fire extinguishers
- Fertilizers and pesticides
- Mercury switches/thermometers
- Needles and syringes
- Pharmaceuticals
- Paints and coatings
- Oven and window cleaners
- Pool chemicals
- Gasoline
2018 dates and locations
Depot hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Sunday, April 29, 2018
OC Transpo Park and Ride
1201 Trim Road
Sunday, May 6, 2018
Tunney's Pasture
Sir Frederick Banting Drive
Sunday, June 3, 2018
Waste Connections of Canada
3354 Navan Road
Sunday, June 24, 2018
OC Transpo Park and Ride
3355 Fallowfield Road
Residential electronic waste material is accepted at this site.
Sunday, August 19, 2018
Kanata Research Park
411 Legget Drive
Residential electronic waste material is accepted at this site.
Sunday, September 16, 2018
Tunney's Pasture
Sir Frederick Banting Drive
Residential electronic waste material is accepted at this site.
Sunday, September 30, 2018
OC Transpo Park and Ride
1201 Trim Road
Residential electronic waste material is accepted at this site.
Saturday, October 27, 2018
Barrhaven Snow Disposal Facility
Strandherd at Dealership Drive (Philsar)
Residential electronic waste material is accepted at this site.
Residents can safely dispose of many kinds of household hazardous waste, including fluorescent bulbs, batteries, paint and oil, by returning them to participating local retailers during their regular business hours. For a list of retailers who accept returns of household hazardous waste, enter the item name in the
Waste Explorer