Tornado damage to Arlington Woods Free Methodist Church forces move of voting place 09-001...

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The October 22, 2018 voting location for poll 09-001 has been relocated because the Arlington Woods Free Methodist Church (Ward 9 Knoxdale-Merivale) was severely damaged by one of the tornadoes that struck Ottawa on September 21, 2018. The new voting place for poll 09-001 on Voting Day (October 22, 2018) is now Knoxdale Public School, located at 170 Greenbank Road.

The Elections Office has completed an accessibility review of this Knoxdale Public School and, as with all elementary schools, a security guard will be onsite.

The Advance Voting Day (October 12, 2018) voting place for this area remains unchanged and continues to be Sir Robert Borden High School, located at 131 Greenbank Road.

A “Revised Voter Notification” letter has been issued to the approximately 4,300 electors who are eligible to vote at Knoxdale Public School (09-001) on Voting Day (October 22, 2018). Affected electors are expected to receive this Revised Voter Notification letter during the week of October 8, 2018.

In addition to the damage to a voting location, there are a number of ongoing challenges being experienced by those residents and businesses directly affected by the September 21, 2018 tornadoes and windstorms. These challenges may include the loss of a home or business, damage to people’s homes and/or the loss of personal identification. Residents may be living in temporary accommodations over the course of the municipal election period and for some time to come.

The City of Ottawa’s Elections Office has pro-actively implemented specific measures to ensure that those affected electors have the opportunity to vote easily and conveniently in the 2018 Municipal Elections, from where they vote to how to vote without identification.

For those electors who may have had to move into a temporary residence as a result of damage to their personal property, even where those temporary residences are outside of their ward, the Elections Office is allowing them to cast their votes using either their current home address, voting at the voting locations for that home address, or using their temporary address, voting at the voting location for that temporary address.

The Elections Office has adopted the following practice with regards to qualifying addresses for electors directly affected by the storms:

  • Option 1: Electors who vote based on their normal address
    • Electors directly affected by the weather events continue to be eligible to vote based on their normal address, even if their home was damaged and they do not currently live there.
    • To determine their voting places based on a qualifying address, electors can use the City of Ottawa’s “Where do I vote?” tool on or they can contact the Elections Office at 613-580-2660 for assistance.
  • Option 2: Electors who vote based on their temporary address
    • Electors affected by the weather events may choose to vote as a resident of the Ward where they are temporarily residing. For the purposes of the Voters’ List, the Occupancy Status of electors will be “Boarder”.
    • To find a voting place based on a temporary address, electors may use the City of Ottawa’s “Where do I vote?” tool on or they may contact the Elections Office at 613-580-2660 for assistance.

An elector who chooses to vote based on a temporary address will need to complete the Application to Add or Amend My Information on the Voters’ List. This application is available on and will be available at every voting place on Voting Days. Election workers will be available to assist electors when filing out this form.

Regardless of where an affected elector chooses to vote, an elector is entitled to vote only once in the City of Ottawa. They must vote in the voting location for the address they choose to use to vote.

Electors are encouraged to use the online search tool “Where do I vote?” to find their voting place. Electors can also contact the Elections Office at 613-580-2660 or the City’s Call Centre at 3-1-1 for assistance.

The Municipal Elections Act, 1996 requires an elector to present identification that demonstrates the elector’s name and qualifying address. Those voters who lost their identification will still be able to vote by completing a statutory declaration stating that they are eligible to vote (Form 9 – Declaration of Identity). This form is available on and will be available at every voting place on Voting Days. Election Workers understand that this is a difficult time for some voters, and will make every effort to assist them with completing this form.

The Elections Office has arranged to have large, variable messaging signs installed in areas most affected by the weather event. These signs will advise electors to contact the City of Ottawa about any questions about the voting process. As well, the Elections Office has added additional staff who have been trained at completing all of the forms that may be required to assist an elector.

For more information about the 2018 Municipal Elections, visit or call 3-1-1. Residents can connect with the City of Ottawa Elections Office through Facebook and Twitter.
