Market sell-off, sell or buy?

北电跌到20cent 那时..有人把房子押给银行..后来..
Market sell-off, isn't this what we are waiting for? The key is to find quality stocks which can grow.
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Nortel may be a good quality company for a while but it was not a value stock at all. Selling or buying on wrong timing for stocks will lose all your hard earned money.
Proper, responsible, sound and safe investment is a one of the life skills. For those who have RRSP/TFSA and still have cash in hands, soon when the market is selling off more, picking some quality investment may be a good thing. For sure, no one can predict the timing but with proper risk control, doing something may not be a bad thing.
2800 is the testing point soon? Any story would like to share about your buying before 2019 ?
I am starting to take some profits and will sell more right on the good news of China-US trade and then wait.