《Ottawa Asylum Housing Crisis》问联邦要11M安置584户从美国越境来的难民


需要安置584户从美国越境来的难民, 广播上说 “OTTAWA资金缺口是每年11M. 如果联邦不给钱,就要从市民加税征收。如果有普世的唱高调的来砸砖,请赶紧给市政府打电话让出自家房间或啥投资房来安置,以彰显博大爱心。:):):zhichi::zhichi:

Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson pressures feds to help 'vulnerable' emergency housing system








Anna Desmarais, Newstalk 580 CFRA
Published Tuesday, January 22, 2019 2:25PM EST
Last Updated Tuesday, January 22, 2019 3:48PM EST
Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson is making another play for federal funding to fix the city’s emergency housing system.

In a letter dated December 20, 2018, Watson tells Jean Yves Duclos, the federal minister of families, children and social development, that the majority of the city’s current emergency housing struggle is caused by the influx of asylum seekers from the United States.

“The City of Ottawa is unable to meet the demands of vulnerable families in our community for safe, adequate emergency shelter services,” the letter obtained by 580 CFRA reads.

Watson said shelter staff have been “turning families away” because of the increased demand - forcing families to live in cars and churches across the city.

The city has received 584 emergency housing placement requests from asylum seekers coming from the United States as of November 30 of last year. The majority of these requests are coming from families.

The hous supposed to cost Ottawa taxpayers an extra $5.7 million in 2017, with that cost expected to rise by the time the 2018 numbers come before city council.

This is not the first time Watson has appealed to other levels of government. In June, Watson penned two letters to Ontario Premier Doug Ford and another one to the Prime Minister asking for additional support.

A spokesperson for the mayor said minister Duclos has not yet responded to this latest letter.

Families that are looking to get emergency housing in Ottawa first have to be accessed by city officials to figure out if there is another way for them to get temporary housing, like staying with relatives or a friend. The city then places families who are unable to find any alternative solutions into the emergency housing system.

But it takes awhile to get from the street into the housing system. A statement from Shelley VanBuskirk, the city’s manager of housing services, said it takes at least eight months for a family to access emergency housing. This wait, she wrote, could also increase for larger families.

In the letter, the mayor acknowledges that the recent closure of the Forward Avenue Family Shelter in Mechanicsville has further strained the system. Fourteen families were displaced by the December 15 closure.

The YMCA of the Capital Region is now one of the only family shelters left in the city.

Judy Perley, the Senior Director of Housing Services, says their family shelter has been operating ‘at capacity’ throughout 2018 and accomodates an average of 200 people every night.

In June, the federal government pledged $36 million in emergency funds for Quebec, $11 million to Ontario and $3 million to Manitoba to address the strain of asylum seekers on the provincial housing systems.

The $11 million earmarked for Ontario went straight to the city of Toronto to provide immediate relief to their housing system.

To Lisa MacLeod, the Ontario minister responsible for the immigration file, this funding is not nearly enough. She made her own appeal this summer, asking federal immigration minister Ahmed Hussen and Bill Blair, minister of border security, to pay Ontario $200 million.

"There has been no movement by the federal government to fix this problem," she said. "I've just continued to pressure the federal government because it (the movement of refugees to Ottawa and Toronto) is having quite a significant strain on our social assistance costs, our shelter costs, and our educational costs."

Watson wrote in the letter that any additional funding for the city of Ottawa would go in part to increase the capacity of the YMCA family shelter and to add 40 beds at the city’s shelter on Carling Avenue.
“112 families were placed in a shelter and 140 individuals were referred to community ”

2018年申请的难民家庭584户,等候期是8个月,目前正在和本地的HOMELESS需要帮助的弱势群体竞争这些福利,市政府一个是从其他社会辅助项目拆东墙补西墙, 实在补不上,就只能给市民加税。 目前资金缺口是一年10M


Ottawa city shelters feel pressure from asylum seekers, mayor asks province, feds for financial help

Updated: July 6, 2018

Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson and Premier Doug Ford talk in this file photo from April. OTTWP

SHAREADJUSTCOMMENTimmigration channels.”

Watson sent a similar letter to the prime minister Friday.

The city wants reimbursement for all costs for providing shelter to asylum seekers, including costs for housing subsidies offered to those newcomers.

Most asylum seekers are entering illegally into Canada through Quebec at the U.S. border. In 2017, there was a large inflow of Haitians to Quebec and in 2018 there has been an increase in the number of Nigerians crossing the border.

While the federal Liberals made $11 million available to Ontario for costs related to the influx of asylum seekers, Ford’s Progressive Conservative government this week criticized the federal government for being lax on illegal border crossings, calling on the upper level of government to fund all costs related to asylum claimants in Ontario.

On Friday, Ontario Children, Community and Social Services Minister Lisa MacLeod said the province isn’t withdrawing from any agreement on immigration. MacLeod, the minister responsible for immigration, said she hasn’t discussed agreements with her federal counterparts.

Since last year, 5,500 asylum seekers have entered Ontario after crossing into Canada, MacLeod said.

The federal government has been trying to get a handle on the capacity of Ontario cities to accept asylum seekers. Ideally, the federal government wants to open a reception centre in Ontario to triage asylum seekers, but it needs to work in partnership with the provincial government.

“Over the past year, we have also worked closely with Quebec to ensure that adequate resources are in place and that every action is taken to reduce the impacts on provincial social services,” according to Mathieu Genest, press secretary for federal Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen. “We are ready to recreate this model in Ontario, and we need the collaboration of the provincial government.”

The recent strain on the City of Ottawa’s family shelters was exposed late last winter in report to council. The number of chronically homeless families — those who have been homeless for at least six months over one year — went from 87 in 2016 to 236 in 2017. The average length of stay in shelters for those families increased from 251 days to 262 days.

Janice Burelle, the city’s general manager of community and social services, said newcomers to Canada typically account for 30 to 35 per cent of the shelter population. There was an increase in requests from refugee claimants in 2017, but they levelled off between last November and March. The numbers started increasing again in April, Burelle said.

The city has two family shelters. Coun. Mark Taylor, the mayor’s special liaison for housing, has said the shelters are in “a state of degradation.”

When the city runs out of shelter space in city-run buildings and facilities run by outside agencies, it rents motel and hotel rooms. The average nightly occupancy of families in motel or hotel shelter units in 2016 was 92. In 2017, the nightly average increased to 182.

There’s a larger discussion happening about how governments fund shelters and affordable housing, but for now the city must solve the immediate overflow problem.

“The City of Ottawa is closely monitoring the situation,” Burelle said in an email. “City staff are working closely with partners exploring options for families seeking shelter in Ottawa.”



话粗理不糙,移民和难民在法律层面上,和本地人眼里都是属于一个Categrory。在本地人看来道义上,法规上难民有Prority 因为无家可归。另外华人社区在本地人眼里不比其他任何少数族裔更招人喜欢。不能生活在微信圈里自认为高人一等。
话粗理不糙,移民和难民在法律层面上,和本地人眼里都是属于一个Categrory。在本地人看来道义上,法规上难民有Prority 因为无家可归。另外华人社区在本地人眼里不比其他任何少数族裔更招人喜欢。不能生活在微信圈里自认为高人一等。

Federal 不給funding 的話,就由ottawa 人民負責那些費用?這個市長,要是這么想的話,下一屆必要把他 vote out!

Ottawa 人口不大,要負責這批難民經費,那每人要每年增加$5000 至一万的税了。地税、或其他税可要加了!

不过, 联邦该给的funding还是要给嘛。 大家愿意捐钱是一回事, 为了此事直接加税,则是另一回事了。
Federal 不給funding 的話,就由ottawa 人民負責那些費用?這個市長,要是這么想的話,下一屆必要把他 vote out!

Ottawa 人口不大,要負責這批難民經費,那每人要每年增加$5000 至一万的税了。地税、或其他税可要加了!
窝村1m人口,10m funding需要每人出5000至一万,你要是当政,比和珅还包子啊:eek: