椅子,灯, 书, 光盘....(picures available)
For sale (in Hull): 各种椅子,床头柜, 落地灯, 书...
1.棕色绒面靠背扶手椅3把__$8/each; (可以学习或吃饭用, steel frame, very firm, they can be pied up closely, save room)
2.棕红色革面吧台椅1把--$8;(64cm high)
3.木制Rocking chairs 2把, 1(folding) for $15, another$25.
4.八成新黑色折叠椅2个---$5 each;(one is soft surface,suitable for winter,another is hard plastic, good for summer)
5.白色百叶窗1个(1.15m wide)--$8;
8.台灯2个---$8 each; (made of china)
10.many useful English 统计.线性代数books(very new)
if wanted, please send me QQH, or e-mail me: happymoose88@yahoo.ca[Picures taken by web camera are available]
For sale (in Hull): 各种椅子,床头柜, 落地灯, 书...
1.棕色绒面靠背扶手椅3把__$8/each; (可以学习或吃饭用, steel frame, very firm, they can be pied up closely, save room)
2.棕红色革面吧台椅1把--$8;(64cm high)
3.木制Rocking chairs 2把, 1(folding) for $15, another$25.
4.八成新黑色折叠椅2个---$5 each;(one is soft surface,suitable for winter,another is hard plastic, good for summer)
5.白色百叶窗1个(1.15m wide)--$8;
8.台灯2个---$8 each; (made of china)
10.many useful English 统计.线性代数books(very new)
if wanted, please send me QQH, or e-mail me: happymoose88@yahoo.ca[Picures taken by web camera are available]