MAX8 报告出来了


New reports, however, paint a damaging picture of how the MCAS system behaved. Sources speakingto Reuters have stated that the MCAS system reactivated even after being properly turned off. The system may have kicked in as many as four times before the aircraft crashed, though a third source who spoke to Reuters stated both that the system hadfired up again after being manually disabled, while also saying it had only triggered in one “significant” episode.

The Wall Street Journal reports a slightly different sequence of events. It states that the pilots initially disabled the system (following Boeing’s recommendations) but were unable to regain control of the aircraft. The system was either manually reactivated by the pilots themselves as part of an absolute last-ditch effort to recover the aircraft or came back online automatically. The WSJ points towards the former conclusion, while Reuters appears to have heard the latter. Either way, we now know the pilots reportedly disabled the system properly, yet were either unable to regain control of the aircraft after it had activated or unable to prevent it from activating again. The reasons why this happened are themselves still unknown.

埃塞俄比亚星期四公布了波音737 MAX 8客机的首份正式坠机报告,并且说,埃航驾驶员坠机前遵守了适当的操作程序。
New reports, however, paint a damaging picture of how the MCAS system behaved. Sources speakingto Reuters have stated that the MCAS system reactivated even after being properly turned off. The system may have kicked in as many as four times before the aircraft crashed, though a third source who spoke to Reuters stated both that the system hadfired up again after being manually disabled, while also saying it had only triggered in one “significant” episode.

The Wall Street Journal reports a slightly different sequence of events. It states that the pilots initially disabled the system (following Boeing’s recommendations) but were unable to regain control of the aircraft. The system was either manually reactivated by the pilots themselves as part of an absolute last-ditch effort to recover the aircraft or came back online automatically. The WSJ points towards the former conclusion, while Reuters appears to have heard the latter. Either way, we now know the pilots reportedly disabled the system properly, yet were either unable to regain control of the aircraft after it had activated or unable to prevent it from activating again. The reasons why this happened are themselves still unknown.

埃塞俄比亚星期四公布了波音737 MAX 8客机的首份正式坠机报告,并且说,埃航驾驶员坠机前遵守了适当的操作程序。


波音是美皇冠企业,MAX8长期停飞停产能直接导致美GDP增长失去近一个点,一年通共才2.2,比起AMAZON,波音是真正的too big to fail,人民坚信美政府会使出浑身解数解决好问题。这事要发生在他国飞机制造商,结果基本就是破产