1) Each computer must have ETHERNET port or you can install Ethernet card for each computer.
2) The Router like Linksys router.
3) Wire computers to Router with Cat-5 cable.
You can ask computer section staff in Futureshop. They should be able to tell you all the accessary you need. Good Luck.
Thanks a lot,
Actually one of my computer has connected to Internet by Rogers Cable already, now I need to connect another computer to the same Rogers cable.
What is the Cat-5 cable?
最初由 adpost 发布
1) Each computer must have ETHERNET port or you can install Ethernet card for each computer.
2) The Router like Linksys router.
3) Wire computers to Router with Cat-5 cable.
You can ask computer section staff in Futureshop. They should be able to tell you all the accessary you need. Good Luck.
1) Each computer must have ETHERNET port or you can install Ethernet card for each computer.
2) The Router like Linksys router.
3) Wire computers to Router with Cat-5 cable.
You can ask computer section staff in Futureshop. They should be able to tell you all the accessary you need. Good Luck.
如果不用路由器(router),而且有一台机器是运行Win2000,那么也可以在这台机器上安装两个网卡。一个接Cable Modem,一个接另一台机器的网卡。并且按照下面的说明把这台机器设为共享网络连接:
To enable Internet connection sharing on a network connection
Open Network and Dial-up Connections.
Right-click the dial-up, VPN, or incoming connection you want to share, and then click Properties.
On the Sharing tab, select the Enable Internet connection sharing for this connection check box.
If you want this connection to dial automatically when another computer on your home network attempts to access external resources, select the Enable on-demand dialing check box.
最初由 snow1 发布 Thanks a lot,
Actually one of my computer has connected to Internet by Rogers Cable already, now I need to connect another computer to the same Rogers cable.
What is the Cat-5 cable?