V Voitures 知名会员 注册 2007-05-31 消息 62 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 116 2019-05-01 #1 I wanted to have my car fixed but sadly found it is gone. Anyone knows if the repair shop is moved to somewhere or Mr. Chen is retired? Thanks.
I wanted to have my car fixed but sadly found it is gone. Anyone knows if the repair shop is moved to somewhere or Mr. Chen is retired? Thanks.
P peppapig 新手上路 注册 2018-11-12 消息 3 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 11 2019-05-01 #2 Voitures 说: I wanted to have my car fixed but sadly found it is gone. Anyone knows if the repair shop is moved to somewhere or Mr. Chen is retired? Thanks. 点击展开... 搬家了,电话没变,打电话问新地址
Voitures 说: I wanted to have my car fixed but sadly found it is gone. Anyone knows if the repair shop is moved to somewhere or Mr. Chen is retired? Thanks. 点击展开... 搬家了,电话没变,打电话问新地址
V Voitures 知名会员 注册 2007-05-31 消息 62 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 116 2019-05-01 #3 Thanks! It looks like moving to Canotek road?
J jy 本站元老 注册 2015-03-14 消息 7,683 荣誉分数 1,595 声望点数 323 2019-05-21 #4 Voitures 说: I wanted to have my car fixed but sadly found it is gone. Anyone knows if the repair shop is moved to somewhere or Mr. Chen is retired? Thanks. 点击展开... 能不能把标题改一下? 搞得好像卷款跑了似的。
Voitures 说: I wanted to have my car fixed but sadly found it is gone. Anyone knows if the repair shop is moved to somewhere or Mr. Chen is retired? Thanks. 点击展开... 能不能把标题改一下? 搞得好像卷款跑了似的。