


FW: IsoCulture Association isoculture@cwazy.co.ca
Subject: Reminder -- Thursday, October 30, 2003 from 6:00-8:00pm, information on Canadian Immigration and Citizenship

Please forward this information to your contacts .. tnx.

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

The following event is something that might be of interest to many International Students and Visitors, New Immigrants, Canadian Citizens and Resident, and Multicultural/Multi-ethnic service providers, etc.!

On Thursday, October 30, 2003 from 6:00-8:00pm IsoCulture Association of University of Ottawa will be presenting an information session on immigrations and citizenship in Canada. Our guest speaker, the CIC Settlement Counselor, Ms. Afarin Beglari, will be speaking about different categories of immigrations, the new changes in immigration policies, Citizenship applications, the new changes in citizenship policies, CIC and its services for newcomers in Ottawa.

If you want to immigrate to Canada, know someone who needs help or advise for immigration and citizenship to Canada, or have questions or concerns on immigrations and citizenship we highly recommend attending this information session on immigrations and citizenship in Canada. This information session could clear some of the myths and misconceptions that you might have about Canadian Immigrations and Citizenship. In the mean time, you could find out about the services that CIC provides, what procedures you have to follow up for citizenship and immigration, and learn about the new changes in Canadian immigration and citizenship!

Please note that due to the size of the presentation room, there would be only 56 sits available. We advise you to come early to reserve your sits. Every one is welcomed.

WHEN: Thursday, October 30th from 6:00-8:00p.m
Limited sits, make sure to come early to reserve a sit!
WHERE: University of Ottawa
Room: JJL 140A [a portable in front of Vanier Building (in the parking lot) ]
For map of the University of Ottawa please go to http://www.uottawa.ca/map/index.html

For more details and information on the organizer of this event please visit http://sfuo.ca/section/iso
For information on CIC and its services please visit http://www.cic.ca

To learn more about, join, or become a partner with IsoCulture Association please contact:
S. Amir Assadolahi
President, IsoCulture Association

SFUO, University of Ottawa




IsoCulture Association where all cultures meet

A Foundation for Cultural Research and Development

An International Organization of Scholars and Students