Wall Street Confident That Trump Not Smart Enough To End Trade War


川普搬起的石头,So far 好像是德国的脚被砸得最厉害。

The Ring of Fire
Published on Aug 7, 2019

Goldman Sachs circulated a memo to their top investors on Monday warning them that Donald Trump isn’t likely to reach a trade deal with China before the 2020 election, and he certainly won’t end his trade war without that new deal. This means that they have to dig in their heels and expect a major economic downturn as a result of the ongoing trade wars, and they’d also better prepare themselves for a new administration if the dummy in the Oval Office doesn’t wise up.

Wall Street is kind of freaking out right now, and rightfully so. I mean, they're having a pretty bad week. They had one of the worst Mondays in history, not quite as bad as the Monday we heard about in history books, but it was still statistically one of the worst days the stock market's ever had. And so on Monday, Goldman Sachs sent a note out to their clients, warning them that Donald Trump isn't smart enough to end this trade war prior to the 2020 presidential election, which means you better dig in your heels for the long haul because once these new tariffs go into place on September 1st we're all pretty much going to get screwed pretty hard on this, not just the big banks, not just investors, but pretty much everybody in this country, and there's not much we can do about it because Donald Trump doesn't seem to understand how bad his trade war is. In short, Goldman Sachs was dancing around trying to find fancier ways to say that Donald Trump has a complete moron end. He doesn't know the damage that he's causing, not just to this country. By the way, but also to his reelection and Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street banks are actually worried about that because they know that if Trump does enough damage to himself, they're more than likely going to get a Democratic president, hopefully in the form of a Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren that's going to come to Wall Street and make some very serious changes and make some very serious changes to the tax code that's going to cost these wealthy elite quite a lot of money. And that's what they don't want. So this wasn't so much a warning to investors that, hey, things are going to get rough. It's, hey, use your power and your influence to make this man stop. So he doesn't cost himself the 2020 election. Now it gets worse. You also, and this is the quote from the bank, he said, well, we had previously assumed that president Trump wouldn't be, we'd see making a deal as more advantageous to his 2020 reelection prospects. We are now less confident that this is his view. Trump perceives the US economy is strong enough to withstand even 25% tariffs across the board on everything we import from China. And that was a actually from Yardeni Research and Investment Advisory Company. And then you got Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's who came out the same day and said, this recession odds probably go over even. And I think it would be pretty hard to avoid a downturn regardless of what the Fed does. So not only is Donald Trump going to screw over consumers and investors, and essentially everybody in this country because of his little a temper tantrum he's thrown in for China here, but were had to do a recession and economic downturn.

Even Trump’s Advisors Think He’s Losing The Trade War With China

The Ring of Fire
Published on Aug 10, 2019

According to new reports, Donald Trump’s economic and financial advisors agree that his tariffs are a really bad idea, but he continues to choose to ignore them and their warnings. The United States is paying the price for Trump’s arrogance, and the stock market suffered one of the worst days in history on Monday as a result of his idiotic policies. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

On Monday, Donald Trump's escalating trade war sent the stock market spiraling even further downward in what analysts have actually called. One of the worst days in the history of the stock market. Dropped over 900 points late yesterday afternoon as tensions between DC and China heat up. You've got Donald Trump over here saying, we're putting more tariffs on your remaining $300 billion worth of goods. China's manipulating their currency. They're saying they're not going to work with the U.S. Maybe we're going to throw some more tariffs out there. And all of that sent the market spiraling downward. And here's the kicker, folks. You know, Trump announced these new tariffs last Thursday, but his advisors knew that this crap was going to happen because they were actually already over in China at the time when Trump announced this new tariff on Twitter, you know, week ago, you had Steven Mnuchin and US trade representative Robert Lighthizer over in China, actually engaging in trade negotiations. They were sitting at the table trying to get this worked out so we didn't have to escalate anything. And then they came back and told Donald Trump, hey, uh, things didn't go the way we wanted. You know, we weren't able to finalize any kind of deal. I don't even know if we came close to reaching a deal. So, you know, that's kind of where we're at right now. And Trump responds by saying, well, I'm going to put a 10% tariff on $300 billion worth of their goods to which Mnuchin and Lighthizer said, no, you can't do that. That is horrible. Not to mention you have a truce with the president of China. You've already agreed not to do this. You can't do it. They're going to retaliate. Things are going to go badly. And then you had John Bolton, Larry Kudlow, Trump's economic advisor and chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, who also in the Oval Office, came in and said, don't do this. You more on, you cannot escalate this trade war. This is going to end badly for everyone. And according to reports, this then resulted in a two hour debate between Donald Trump on one side and everyone else on the other side. And as we all know, Donald Trump apparently won because he decided to put more tariffs in place on Chinese goods. But at the end of that little meeting, when Donald Trump announced these tariffs on Twitter, by the way, that's how we get our official now announcements now as a country on Twitter. Um, they did help him craft the tweet, you know, so it wouldn't be ridiculously insulting and just make things worse. But then flash forward four or five days later and China retaliates the stock market crashes and Donald Trump is still out there telling us on Twitter, things will be fine. Don't worry, China can't hurt all of us. Don't worry. Poor farmers, my bailout is on the way for you so you can still vote for me in 2020 I'm looking out for you. These people don't want a handout. They just want to be able to sell their goods. But thanks to Donald Trump's trade war, they can't in sending them a, a check right now isn't going to do enough to buy their votes back. Sure. I'm sure some of them will, but the majority of them understand like, hey, this is a great check. You get, send me another one next month and the month after and for however long you continue this disastrous trade war because a one time check to buy some of my crops to let them go rotten.