


2019年下旬澳洲國立大學學者經過研究後舉報,被視為對華鷹派的納瓦羅在其出名著作《致命中國》和其他多篇投書中長期使用一個名為「羅恩.瓦拉(Ron Vara)」的哈佛專家強硬發言,同時該專家還為中美貿易戰的觀點背書過,結果被發現該人物是虛構在現實中並不存在,事件一岀輿論嘩然,該書出版社培生集團(Pearson plc)負責人[9]緊急表示正在大幅修改後續印刷版本和庫存書的內容,將加註警語「提醒讀者該書含有一位虛構人物」且「我們非常嚴肅地對待任何違反誠信標準的行為,一旦發現就會迅速採取行動。」

China's foreign ministry slams Peter Navarro for citing himself using a fake name
By Christine Romans, CNN
Updated 3:54 PM EDT, Tue October 22, 2019

(CNN)China's foreign ministry slammed White House trade adviser Peter Navarro on Tuesday following his admission that he cited a nonexistent person in his books to bolster his arguments about Beijing's threat to the US economy.

Navarro, who has been a key player in President Donald Trump's trade talks, acknowledged last week to CNN and others that he made up an alter ego using an anagram of his own name, "Ron Vara," in his books.

"Certain people in the US can do whatever they can think of to contain and smear China without scruple," said Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying in a press conference Tuesday.

The spokesperson went on to say that "such moves will threaten and undermine normal international relations and order."

"The US will hurt its own interests in the end," the spokesperson said.

Navarro on Tuesday dismissed the criticism from Beijing, again making light of his Vara alias in a statement: "A source close to Ron Vara indicates China has revoked his visa and lowered his social credit score. In a related event, the Ministry of State Security has banned all anagrams and humor in social media and non-fiction books."

CNN has reached out to the White House for comment.

The Vara alias is quoted in at least six of Navarro's books, including in "The Coming China Wars" from 2008. Australian academic Tessa Morris-Suzuki made the discovery, which was first reported by The Chronicle of Higher Education last week.

Navarro wrote that Vara was a captain in a reserve unit during the Gulf War as well as a doctoral student in economics at Harvard University in the US. He also wrote that Vara "made a very large fortune making the very best out of very bad situations."

Morris-Suzuki said that as she read through Navarro's books, the most recent of which have focused heavily on China, Ron Vara began to express increasingly anti-Beijing views in his works.

In one book, Vara is quoted as saying, "You've got to be nuts to eat Chinese food."

In a statement provided to CNN, Navarro admitted to inventing the character of Ron Vara, describing it as a "whimsical device and pen name," purely for "entertainment value." He added that it was "refreshing that somebody finally figured out an inside joke that has been hiding in plain sight for years."

One of the publishers of Navarro's books, Prentice Hall and its parent company, Pearson, said in a statement that the fake persona constituted a breach of their ethical standards. According to NPR, future editions of his work will include a note indicating that "Ron Vara" is a not an actual person, but an alias for Navarro.

Navarro, an academic, has been one of Trump's top advisers on trade matters since his 2016 presidential campaign.

The longtime China hawk is considered among the architects of the Trump administration's trade war with Beijing and has been regularly part of the US delegation sent to negotiate a potential deal with the Chinese government.

Navarro has strongly defended Trump's tariffs on China, saying they're needed to at least partially separate the two economies. He has repeatedly accused Beijing of currency manipulation, intellectual property theft and inflicting severe damage on the US manufacturing industry.

CNN's Ben Westcott and Maegan Vazquez contributed to this report.
这脸皮够厚,被澳大利亚学者发现了,可以轻松说成是entertainment value,隐藏多年的joke 被揭露,举重若轻这个本领不得不佩服啊。人家正经出版社可是说不过去了。
这脸皮够厚,被澳大利亚人发现了,可以轻松说成是entertainment value,隐藏多年的joke 被揭露,举重若轻这个本领不得不佩服啊。人家正经出版社可是说不过去了。

A source close to Ron Vara indicates China has revoked his visa and lowered his social credit score. I