

Boeing employees’ frightening internal messages released in 737 Max investigation
‘Would you put your family on a Max simulator trained aircraft? I wouldn’t.’

By Elizabeth Lopatto and Sean O'Kane Jan 9, 2020, 10:26pm ESTShare this on Facebook (opens in new window)
Photo by Stephen Brashear/Getty Images
Boeing employees discussed the problems with the 737 Max in chats and emails that the company characterized as “completely unacceptable” in a statement released today. “Would you put your family on a Max simulator trained aircraft? I wouldn’t,” one employee said to another in one chat in February 2018, according to documents obtained by The Verge and originally reported by The New York Times. “No,” the other person replied.

“I still haven’t been forgiven by God for the covering up I did last year,” a Boeing employee said in a different 2018 conversation, according to the documents. The employee appears to be referring to interactions with the Federal Aviation Administration.

The redacted messages come from documents Boeing sent to Congress in December, which you can read in three collections here, here, and here. The messages show how Boeing tried to reduce the amount of simulator training required by the FAA to certify pilots for the 737 Max. These efforts ultimately left pilots unprepared to deal with the fatal flaw that brought down two 737 Max planes in five months, killing 346 people.

in a statement. “Apologies from Boeing are not enough after these astonishing & appalling emails,” said Senator Richard Blumenthal, a Democrat from Connecticut, in a tweet. “Action & accountability are long overdue.”

The Boeing 737 Max was the most recent update to the 737, a plane that’s been flying for so long that entire airlines have built their businesses on it. Not having to retrain pilots from the 737 NG to move to the 737 Max was a particular selling point for the plane: classroom time and simulator time are expensive. The 737 Max’s development was particularly urgent, as Boeing’s main rival Airbus had developed the A320neo, which was considerably more fuel efficient than the Boeing 737 NG. But because Boeing rushed the 737 Max into service, pilots were not properly trained — or even made aware of — a piece of software that doomed the two fatal flights.

The newly released documents illustrate how forceful Boeing was in selling this idea internally, and to its customers. “I want to stress the importance of holding firm that there will not be any type of simulator training required to transition from NG to MAX,” the chief technical pilot of the 737 program, whose name is redacted, said in one 2017 email. “We’ll go face to face with any regulator who tries to make that a requirement.” If a customer wanted internal training, this employee wrote, that additional training “should be limited.”

One particular series of June 2017 emails between the chief technical pilot and an undisclosed airline show how aggressive the company was in trying to limit the amount of simulation work. “There is absolutely no reason to require your pilots to require a MAX simulator to begin flying the MAX,’ the chief technical pilot wrote to the airline. “Boeing does not understand what is to be gained by a 3 hour simulator session.”

start recommending simulator training for the 737 Max in anticipation of the plane’s return to flight. Exactly when that return will happen remains unclear; the company indefinitely halted production of the plane in January, and the FAA has still not certified it to fly again.

Late last month, a senior Boeing executive reportedly told The Seattle Times that documents containing messages from the 737 Max’s senior technical pilot might continue to generate bad press for Boeing. Now we can see why.
尼玛。。。 果然是美国人下的手。


在今天发布的一份声明中,公司在聊天和电子邮件中使用了737 Max,并将其描述为“完全无法接受”。 “您会否让家人乘坐经过Max Simulator训练的飞机?根据《 The Verge》获得的文件,《纽约时报》最初报道,一名员工在2018年2月的一次聊天中对另一名员工说。 “不,”对方回答。

编辑的信息来自波音公司在12月发送给国会的文件,您可以在这里,这里和这里的三个馆藏中阅读这些文件。这些消息显示了波音公司是如何尝试减少FAA认证737 Max飞行员所需的模拟器训练量。这些努力最终使飞行员没有做好应对致命缺陷的准备,该缺陷在五个月内击落了两架737 Max飞机,造成346人丧生。

在一份声明中。来自康涅狄格州的民主党参议员理查德·布鲁门塔尔(Richard Blumenthal)在推文中说:“在收到这些令人震惊和令人震惊的电子邮件之后,波音公司的道歉还不够。” “早就应该采取行动和承担责任了。”

波音737 Max是737的最新更新,这架飞机已经飞行了很长时间,以至整个航空公司都在此基础上开展业务。不必再培训从737 NG升级到737 Max的飞行员,这是飞机的一个特殊卖点:教室时间和模拟器时间很昂贵。波音737 Max的发展尤为紧迫,因为波音的主要竞争对手空中客车公司已经开发出了A320neo,它比波音737 NG的燃油效率要高得多。但是由于波音公司将737 Max投入使用,飞行员没有得到适当的培训,甚至没有意识到-一款注定两次致命飞行的软件。

新发布的文件说明了波音在内部和向客户推销这一想法方面的力量。 “我想强调,控股公司的重要性,即从NG过渡到MAX不需要任何类型的模拟器培训,” 737计划的首席技术飞行员的名字被删除,在2017年的一封电子邮件中说。 “我们将与任何试图提出这一要求的监管者面对面。”这位员工写道,如果客户想要内部培训,则“应该限制额外的培训。”

2017年6月,首席技术飞行员和一家未公开的航空公司之间的一封电子邮件中,一系列特别的邮件显示了该公司在试图限制模拟工作量方面的积极性。首席技术飞行员在给航空公司的信中说:“绝对没有理由要求飞行员使用MAX模拟器来开始飞行MAX。” “波音公司不理解3小时的模拟器课程将带来什么。”

开始为737 Max推荐模拟器培训,以期待飞机返回飞行状态。还不清楚何时会返回。该公司在一月份无限期停止了飞机的生产,而美国联邦航空局仍未批准其再次飞行。

据报道,上个月末,波音公司的一位高管告诉《西雅图时报》,载有737 Max的高级技术飞行员发来的消息的文件可能会继续给波音公司造成负面新闻。现在我们知道为什么了。