急!大家救命!! 偶小妹不幸怀孕,19岁,安省如何打胎?[问题]

以 前 听 人 闲 谈 时 说 过 在 BANK ST.附 近 有 家 专 门 打 胎 的 医 院 , 但 我 不 知 道 具 体 地 址 , 你 到 那 条 街 转 转 , 找 找 .好 象 不 需 要 什 么 手 续 .

最初由 sigmund 发布

Re: Re: 急!大家救命!! 偶小妹不幸怀孕,19岁,安省如何打胎?[问题]

最初由 snow1 发布
以 前 听 人 闲 谈 时 说 过 在 BANK ST.附 近 有 家 专 门 打 胎 的 医 院 , 但 我 不 知 道 具 体 地 址 , 你 到 那 条 街 转 转 , 找 找 .好 象 不 需 要 什 么 手 续 .

别急,这里人流是合法的。有family doc救找family doctor,没有就找walkin clinic。医生会选择合适的方案的。没什么,我在俺那小地方的一个walkin clinic就看到过一鬼妹冲进来说要abortion,还大大咧咧说是Durex质量不好什么的。
最初由 sigmund 发布


All hospital via family doctors. Have to be done within the first three months of pregancy. After that period, you have to have the child.
Re: Re: 急!大家救命!! 偶小妹不幸怀孕,19岁,安省如何打胎?[问题]


最初由 jstar 发布

All hospital via family doctors. Have to be done within the first three months of pregancy. After that period, you have to have the child.
Re: Re: Re: 急!大家救命!! 偶小妹不幸怀孕,19岁,安省如何打胎?[问题]

最初由 ottawa99 发布

cz after 3 month it is kind of dangerous
Re: Re: Re: Re: 急!大家救命!! 偶小妹不幸怀孕,19岁,安省如何打胎?[问题]

o,i c. I had thought it might illegal or something.

最初由 phonecardback 发布

cz after 3 month it is kind of dangerous
最初由 sigmund 发布


Don't kill! Life is precious, everyone, from the very first momment it is conceived. You will feel regret if you don't keep it.
Call 761-4921, this is Civic Hospital , located on 737 Parkdale Ave.Just leave a message, she will answer you with next 24hr, then make a appoinment to have abortion.(At the same time, go to clinic , have a doctor to make sure, because they need this).
Walk-in clinic:596-9840(9:00am-4:00pm,6:30pm-9:00pm)
good luck.
never try the big hospitals such like civic hospital, coz they are nothing but big and slow. they will put ur name on the damn long list and tell you to wait about one month, that means you are gonna take your own risk to have abortion in these hospitals.

my friends' experience in 65 Bank st. is good enough, so i strongly suggest you to go there.

be careful with this next time.