手做拳頭 拳頭做手
這一走,就走到廬山,廬山那時有位慧遠法師,是講念佛的,專門念佛。他們去見遠公大師,大師說:「你們兩位是印度的和尚,傳的是什麼法?怎麼這些人都不理你們?」佛馱、耶舍這兩位法師就把手伸出來──因為大概只會很少的中國話,話也講不太通,所以就把手伸出來,說:「手做拳,拳做手,這快不快?」 遠公大師說:「很快!」 他說:「菩提、煩惱也是這麼快!」
遠公大師當時就開悟了:「哦!菩提、煩惱原來沒有分別!菩提就是煩惱,煩惱即菩提。」遠公大師明白了,就盡心供養他們兩位。沒多久,兩人在同一天都死了,他們的墳墓,現在還在廬山那兒。 達摩祖師在印度,一聽說兩個徒弟被人欺負得這個樣子,以後也都死了。自己就想:「我去看一看!」於是就到中國來。 達摩祖師也是看中國的大乘根性成熟了,應該把大乘佛教帶到中國,所以就不怕路程遙遠及旅途的辛苦,來到中國。你說到了中國怎麼了呢?
The Hand Makes a Fist;
The Fist Makes a Hand
On their way out they passed by Lu Mountain where they met the Great Master Zhiyuan (Huiyuan), who promoted the practice of reciting the Buddha's name. He himself recited the Buddha's name all the time. Well, they went to pay their respects to Great Master Yuan. Venerable Yuan said to them, "What Dharma do you two monks from India transmit that causes people to pay you so little respect?"
Fo Tuo and Ye She both extended their hands. They probably knew very little Chinese. Extending their hands, they said, "The hand makes a fist, and the fist makes a hand. Isn't that fast?"
Master Yuan replied, "Very fast!"
"Bodhi and affliction," they said, "are just that fast!"
At that moment, Great Master Yuan became enlightened and said, "Ah! Bodhi and affliction basically are not different! Bodhi is affliction and affliction is Bodhi." Having gained such an understanding, Great Master Yuan made abundant offerings to Fo Tuo and Ye She. Shortly thereafter, the two died on the same day, in the same place. Their graves may still be seen at Lu Mountain.
Back in India, when Patriarch Bodhidharma learned that his two disciples had been scorned and had both died, he thought, "I will go there myself to have a look." Thereupon he went to China.
Patriarch Bodhidharma saw that the roots of the Great Vehicle Buddhadharma were ripe in China and knew that he should take the Great Vehicle Dharma there. Fearing neither the distance nor the hardship of travel, he took the Dharma there. What do you suppose it was like when he arrived in China?